Ramona Lile „AVU hosted forum to aid Republic of Moldova`s EU accession”
11/18/2022Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad has hosted the “Increasing the EU fund absorption rate by the Republic of Moldova” forum – 17/19 of November – that included over 70 representatives from Moldavian institutions. Organized in partnership with Arad City Council, Arad Townhall and the Institute for Project Development and Expertise (IDEP) – Republic of Moldova - it is the largest forum aimed at aiding the Republic of Moldova to attract European funding.
The Moldavian delegation included District presidents, State Chancellery representatives, directors from the Ministry of Health`s Oncological Institute and Clinical Hospital, of Falesti Regional Hospital, of „Timofei Moșneaga” Republican Clinical Hospital, mayors, rectors and vice-rectors form the „Nicolae Testemițanu“ State Medical and Pharmacy University, “Ion Creangă” Pedagogical State University from Chisinau, the Free International University, Moldova State University as well as preuniversity level representatives.
For further details see: https://www.uav.ro/evenimente/ramona-lile-uav-a-organizat-forumul-pentru-sprijinirea-ader%C4%83rii-republicii-moldova-la-ue