Ramona Lile „Visit to Cuba, a valuable gain for AVU`s academic community”
2/14/2022Ramona Lile, Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad`s Rector and vice-rector Teodor Cilan were part of a Ministry of Education delegation to the Congreso Universidad hosted in Cuba`s capital city, Havana.
Romania was represented at the event by AVU, alongside other seven national universities.
Several meetings took place with the Cuban Minster of Higher Education, Mr. Jose Romon Sabirido Loidi, the Romanian ambassador to Cuba Ms. Theodora Magdalena Mircea, as well as with the rectors of the most important Cuban institutions of higher education.
„The visit represents an opportunity for our university to establish new partnerships with Cuban institutions. The first signed agreements target the development of relations within the academic, cultural and scientific research areas as well as future student and teaching staff exchanges. I firmly believe that this is just the beginning of a fruitful relationship between the two states` academic environments” declared AVU`s Rector, Ramona LILE.
AVU`s vice-rector Teodor Cilan underlined the important role played by the Romanian Embassy in Cuba in organizing the event: „We would like to thank the Romanian Embassy from Cuba and especially the ambassador for the professionalism and involvement proven throughout the visit”.
AVU has signed collaboration agreements with three Cuban universities: Central University "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas, Technological University "Jose Antonio Echeverria" Cujae and Universidad de Oriente; the institutions` rectors have been officially invited to visit Arad`s state university.