Arad`s public education aids local hospitals
4/14/2020The “Arad `s public education donates! Join us!” campaign initiated by the governing body of the local public pre-university education system, promptly joined by AVU`s Association for Management and Research in Socio-Humanistic Sciences, has registered positive results. The gathered funds allowed for the purchase of 7 medical oxygen concentrators that were sent to Arad County Hospital (COVID -19 treatment ward). Arad`s public education has joined forces in order to aid the local healthcare system against the COVID-19 pandemic.
“It is a joint effort of the local, public teaching staff members who, together, can relief Arad`s healthcare system. Arad`s state university - through its Association for Management and Research in Socio-Humanistic Sciences and with the help of the donations made by our colleagues and other obliging citizens -, has acquired 3 medical oxygen concentrators that were donated to Arad County Hospital, in addition to 100 liters of AVU produced sanitizer. We hope that our actions can provide the needed help for overcoming this pandemic”, declared the university`s Rector, Prof. PhD. Ramona LILE.
The governing body of local, public pre-university education used the amounts collected during the “Arad`s public education donates! Join us!” campaign to purchase four Ffp2 and Ffp3 medical oxygen concentrators for the local hospital.
“We have decided to start this campaign 10 days ago in order to help the local healthcare system. During these 10 days we have collected over 30.000 RON; 21.000 RON have been used to buy 4 medical oxygen concentrators as well as the related kits necessary to cover a 3-month period of proper functioning, and the rest has been used for face masks” declared General School Inspector, prof. Marius Gondor, president of the Pre-University Directors` Association.
Dr. Dana Olaru, Head of the Pulmonology 2 Department, offered insight about how important these devices really are for the COVID-19 treatment ward: “This donation offered us the necessary oxygen concentrators for each of the 16 dedicated COVID department beds; these are of paramount importance for the patients` treatment. I would like to extend my gratitude to those involved, the two local educational associations that made this possible. We need everybody’s help in order to successfully stop this pandemic”.
Those who wish to donate money towards aiding local hospitals can do so by wiring money in any of these two accounts:
Asociația Directorilor din Învățămîntul Preuniversitar
Account: RO79 BACX 0000 0017 8381 9001
Asociația pentru Management și Cercetare în Științe Socio-Umane
Account: RO05BTRLRONCRT0P17803501