AVU Freshmen Prom
12/1/2022„Aurel Vlaicu” University`s freshman prom will take place on Thursday, the 8th of December 2022, starting at 19.00h in the „Ioan Slavici” Theatre building.
„It is a traditional event for our student body and a real challenge for those who have to make everything happen. We are glad to offer our support and I am convinced that we`ll be treated to an exceptional show come December the 8th” declared AVU`s Rector, Ramona LILE.
The world`s largest auction will commence under the classical dome of the „Ioan Slavici” Theatre and AVU students are prepared to impress. Impersonating the world`s richest people, 8 pairs will fight for power and the now traditional titles of Prom King and Queen.
„We believe prom participation to be a first opportunity for freshmen to develop new friendships, to learn how to work as a team and to learn how to organize such a large-scale event. Proof to this are the last few weeks dedicated to preparing the event which combined hard work but also fun ", declared Darius Heveși, LSUAV President.