AVU Interdisciplinary Research and Specialized Practical Center for children
1/26/2023AVU`s Faculty of Educational Sciences, Psychology and Social Work will coordinate the activities of the Interdisciplinary Research and Specialized Practical Center dedicated to the education and protection of disadvantaged children. The center will afford children from underprivileged environments the possibility to benefit from free educational and psychological services.
“Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad`s involvement in the community`s social problems represents an institutional strategic objective. We believe that, past AVU`s educational and specialist training role, the university must respond to society’s real needs. I would like to congratulate the team that has created this center, wish them good luck in their future endeavors and I am convinced that they will successfully fashion an environment where children can feel loved and appreciated” declared AVU Rector, Ramona Lile.
For more details see: https://www.uav.ro/stiri/centru-interdisciplinar-de-practic%C4%83-%C8%99i-cercetare-pentru-copii-la-uav