AVU to host the 4th edition of “Public safety and the need for increased social capital“ international conference
10/31/2022Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad is one of the institutional partners for the 4th edition of the “Public safety and the need for increased social capital” international conference, which will take place in Arad during the 4th -5th of November 2022.
The conference, part of the research project with the same name implemented by the SARA Law Research Center, is financed by the City Council under the coordination of the project manager, Prof. PhD. Iancu Elena-Ana.
The conference is scheduled to start on the 4th of November, 10.00 in the City Council`s main building – Vasile Goldis conference room- with subsequent panel discussions taking place in AVU`s headquarters, Room 13.
Conference partners: ARAD County Cultural Center, University of Oradea, Agora University of Oradea, Academia de Științe Juridice din România, Uniunea Juriștilor din România, Asociația Română de Științe Penale, Asociația Criminaliștilor din România, The Institute for Cyber Policy Studies (Israel), Centrul de Excelență pentru Studiul Minorităților Transfrontaliere din Oradea, Asociația Colegiul Consilierilor Juridici Bihor - member of Federației Ordinul Consilierilor Juridici din România, AGERPRES.
Submitted papers will be published in the International Journal of Legal and Social Order https://ijlso.ccdsara.ro/index.php/international-journal-of-legal-a, which is indexed in several databases and online libraries: (Hein Online, World Cat, CEEOL, KVK-Karlsruher Virtueller Katalog/KIT- Bibliothek, Universiteits Biblioteek GENT, etc.).
The conference will take place in a hybrid format (on-line and off-line). Access is free with no additional taxes payable.
The conference programme can be accessed here:
2021 Edition
https://www a III-a,.ccdsara.ro/proiecte/
2020 Edition
2019 Edition
https://www.ovidan.ro/?p=articles.details.18304 https://www.ghidularadean.ro/stire/29667/siguran%C8%9Ba_persoanei_%C8%99i_construirea_capitalului_social.html