Conference: "Specific Methods and Techniques in Kinetotherapy for Enhancing Sports Performance"
10/31/2024The conference "Specific Methods and Techniques in Kinetotherapy for Enhancing Sports Performance", organized by the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports at UAV, with the support of the Ministry of Education, provided students in the fields of kinesiology and physical education the opportunity to learn about the latest and most innovative methods in kinesotherapy.
Held in Moneasa, the conference was attended by specialists in medical rehabilitation and sports medicine from the Dr. Corneliu Bârsan Neuromotor Rehabilitation Hospital in Dezna and the Codru Moma Rehabilitation Center in Moneasa.
The conference featured presentations and discussions by:
- Dr. Ilia Iosif (UAV),
- Dr. Toth Csongor (UAV), President of the County Medical College of Family Physicians and member of the leadership team of the National Society of Family Medicine,
- Dean of the faculty, Prof. Viorel Petru Ardelean.
Special guest speakers included:
- Prof. Dr. Nistor Cseppento Carmen Delia, primary physician in rehabilitation, physical medicine, and balneology,
- Dr. Francesco Menichelli, President of the Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture Association of Romania, specialist in rehabilitation, physical medicine, and balneology,
- Florina Cotuna, founder of the Masca Association - Hypnotherapy and Personal Development, who emphasized the role of the mind and positive thinking in achieving high performance.
"This first edition provided students with the opportunity to interact with specialists in the medical field, to learn kinesotherapy techniques and methods that can be applied to athletes to enhance performance. We thank the specialists, guests, and teaching staff who contributed, as their high-quality presentations added significant value to the conference," said Prof. Viorel Ardelean, Dean of the Faculty.