National Storytelling Conference at "Aurel Vlaicu" University of Arad
10/24/2024International storytellers from Estonia, the United Kingdom, and Hungary, along with storytellers from Romania, will gather in Arad for the conference “Learning Strategies Based on Storytelling in Dramatic Pedagogy - The Art of Storytelling in the Emotional Development of Youth.” This event is dedicated to educators from both pre-university and university levels.
The conference, organized by the Faculty of Educational Sciences, Psychology, and Social Work, with support from the Arad County Council and Arad County Cultural Center, in partnership with the Association for the Management of Research, Innovation, and Development Activities, the Word Workshop Association, the Arad County School Inspectorate, the Arad Teaching Staff House, and the Alber Foundation, will take place from October 31 to November 1 at UAV.
The event will open on October 31 at 2:00 PM in the festive hall of Complex M (Elena Drăgoi Street No. 2) with plenary sessions and will continue over the two days with storytelling workshops led by four storytellers: Maja Bumberák (Hungary), David Heathfield (United Kingdom), Polina Tserkassova (Estonia), and Giorgiana Elena Popan (Romania).
Admission to the conference is FREE for all participants.
Registration for the conference, necessary to receive a certificate of participation, can be completed online by accessing this link: https://event.webinarjam.com/register/113/2omnru25 or on-site by scanning the QR code.