„Aurel Vlaicu” University of Arad adjourns all courses
3/11/2020Due to Coronavirus concerns, AVU`s Administrative Council has decided to shut down all teaching activities during the 12.03-31.03 timeframe, based on the recommendations issued by the Ministry of Education and Research as well as by the National Council of Rectors. The university`s management recommends for the teaching activities to take place online, and if this is not possible, then classes shall be retaken according to a preestablished schedule. The teaching staff`s research activity is not affected by this measure.
We take the opportunity to emphasize the fact that at the moment no confirmed coronavirus case has been identified within AVU, all measures taken being precautionary in nature.
Extras din HCA nr.8 din 11 martie 2020
Plan de măsuri pentru prevenirea infecției cu virusul COVID-19