Ramona Lile “AVU offers free online baccalaureate tutoring classes”
10/05/2020“Aurel Vlaicu” University of Arad comes to the aid of final year high school students by providing free online Skype tutoring classes starting with Monday, 11thof May, for Mathematics as well as for Romanian language and literature.
Monday, from 10.00, students who wish to have tutoring sessions in mathematics can contact Assoc. Prof. PhD. Păstorel Gașpar (Skype ID: pastogaspar), and on Tuesday, 10 o` clock, Lect. PhD. Dan Deac (Skype ID: dndeac), both being teaching staff members with AVU`s Faculty of Exact Sciences.
The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences has the following Romanian Language and Literature tutoring schedule: Thursday, 10.00 o` clock, course taught by Assoc. Prof. PhD. Adela Drăucean (Skype ID: Adela Draucean), and Wednesday, 12.00 o`clock, by Lect. PhD. Călina Paliciuc (Skype ID: Calina Paliciuc).
“The baccalaureate exam and later, choosing a career path, are very important events for high school graduates. Our university tries to aid these students by offering free online training classes, from which, hopefully, many high school students will benefit. After graduation, we invite all those who want to further their studies, to choose one of the 32 undergraduate study programmes hosted by AVU`s 9 faculties, and later, if they so wish, to enrol for one of the 31 postgraduate programmes on offer. Those who want a university career can subsequently opt for the doctoral school. Our students enjoy excellent lodging services, social and merit scholarships, ERASMUS programme access as well as AVU Students` League organized events.
My best wishes to all those about to take the baccalaureate exam and I hope they`ll take AVU into consideration as an option for continuing their studies” declared Prof. PhD. Ramona LILE, AVU`s Rector.