
  • Sonia Ignat PhD, lecturer „Aurel Vlaicu”University, Arad


psychological factors, risk behaviors, illness, lifestyle


This work is part of the concerns about the
implications of certain psychological factors on the behavior
of maintaining and preventing health. The latest findings in
the medica l world show that among the most important
determinants of health are physical activity, healthy eating and
avoidance of excessive consumption of substances. Also,
statistics produced both in the country and at the European
level indicate that a significan t percentage among young
people is adopting more and more frequent behaviors such as
alcohol consumption, smoking, excessive coffee consumption
and other energy drinks, a sedentary life, and uses an
unhealthy diet. These considerations have prompted us to
choose this theme, considering that it is relevant and useful to
know certain psychic aspects that may relate to such
behaviors. We have tried to study the implications that the
disadaptive attribution style (internally, stably and globally
negative), nega tive thinking, life satisfaction, perception of
problem solving ability have on risk behaviors referred to in
this work as risk behaviors. In the first part of the theoretical
foundation we presented some of the concepts used by health
psychology such as t he concept of health, illness, lifestyle,
well being, preventive behaviors and risk behaviors.


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