
  • Dana RAD Aurel Vlaicu University Arad
  • Tiberiu DUGHI
  • Edgar DEMETER Edgar DEMETER PhD, university assistant Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad, Faculty of Education al Sciences, Psychology and Social Sciences
  • Gavril RAD Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad, Faculty of Educational Sciences, Psychology and Social Sciences


values theory, health, conformity, dynamic relationship


Nowadays the scientific literature on human values
is focused on identify a comprehensive set of values that help
to explain individual differences in people’s attitudes and
behavior. The research investigation coordinated by Schwartz
(2012) concluded about the structure of basic values
recognized in all societies and identified how these values are
organized into a coherent system that reflects the dynamics of
value based, individual decision makin g. Current paper
contributes with evidence to the theory of values reformulated
by Schwartz in 2012, according to which values are arrayed
on a circular motivational continuum in dynamic relationship.
on a circular motivational continuum in dynamic relationship. A total of 220 youth respondents from the West sideA total of 220 youth respondents from the West side of of Romania have answered using a Likert scale from 1 to 6 to a Romania have answered using a Likert scale from 1 to 6 to a 46 items online questionnaire. The 46 items questionnaire 46 items online questionnaire. The 46 items questionnaire shows solid internal consistency. This study brings evidence shows solid internal consistency. This study brings evidence to interclasses dynamic relationships between health as a to interclasses dynamic relationships between health as a security consersecurity conservation value and conformity as a conservation vation value and conformity as a conservation value, both included in the selfvalue, both included in the self--protection anxietyprotection anxiety--avoidance avoidance value specter. Conclusions and implications are discussed.value specter. Conclusions and implications are discussed.

Author Biography

Tiberiu DUGHI

Vlaicu University of Arad ,
Faculty of Educational Sciences, Psychology and Social Sciences


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