
  • Alina SIRBU PhD student, Psychology Doctoral School West University Timisoara,
  • Dorina BUICA PhD Student, Doctoral School of philosophy, Sociology and Politic Sciences West University Timisoara,


divorce, parental alienation, child, personality, personality disorder


Divorce is an increasingly present social
phenomenon in everyday life, a significant number of children
being exposed to its effects. As a natural consequence of
divorce, in families with one or more children, there is the
issue of child custody, aspect in which most of the times there
are some disputes. Following the separation of the marital
couple, the relationship between the child and his/ her parents
has two different aspects: either the child maintains a natural
relationship with both of his/ her parents, or, due to his/ her
involvement in the prolonged post-divorce conflict between
parents, he/ she suffers an impairment of the relationship with
one of the parents. The extreme form of harming the
relationship between the child and one of the parents is
parental alienation. Parental alienation occurs when one of the
parents deliberately interferes with the relationship of the
child with the other parent. This parental intervention involves
behaviors of denigrating the alienated parent, reducing the
contact between the child and the alienated parent, leading to
rejection of the alienated parent by the child. This study aims
to pursue, on the one hand, the determination of personality
traits and the existence/ nonexistence of predisposition to
personality disorders of the adults involved in a divorce case
with minors, in relation to which the court suspects the
establishment of the phenomenon of parental alienation, while
on the other hand it pursues to identify significant differences
in personality structuring and its possible disruptions between
parents coming from divorced couples, from the perspec


of the targeted parent and that of the alienating parent.


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