
  • Floare CHIPEA Professor,University of Oradea
  • Cristiana Marc University of Oradea
  • Claudia O$vat Assoc. Prof.,University of Oradea


The issue of social inclusion of young people
who come from child protection system in Romania
was and still is at the center of concerns of decisionmakers
in the system, especially due to the fact that
much of the effort focused in the last 25 years on this
effect, apparently produced no substantial changes in
terms of integration into society of the category of
young people leaving the child protection system. In
post-communist Romania, the legal framework that is
governing the creation and diversification of services
oriented to preparing young people for independent
living has developed. How these regulations are
implemented depend upon the concerns of the social
actors invested with responsibilities in this field locally.
This paper aims, on the one hand, to highlight the
specific problems faced by this group of young people
and, on the other hand, to capture specific aspects of life
strategies adopted by individuals in this category, as
reactions to the measures taken by social actors invested
with specific responsabilities. The study was conducted
in Oradea, including both young people from the
protection system and professionals who interact with


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