Identification of evaluation errors. Reviews of high schools tea
evaluation errors, hallo effect, evaluation types, factorsAbstract
Evaluation and assessment in education
presents an internal logic that gives its specificity and
identity. In order to identify the evaluation errors in
assessing students’ performances within the economic
disciplines, we have conducted between November-
December 2014, a study that took place at the 2
Economical Colleges from Arad county. The correlation
analyses between the independent variable number 1
and dependent variables and between the dependent
variables themselves (as shown in table 1) shows that
there is a significant positive correlation between the
teachers ‘years of experience and their knowledge on
the  evaluation  errors.  Several  measures  for  the
elimination of the evaluation errors emerged from the
Evaluation and assessment in education
presents an internal logic that gives its specificity and
identity. In order to identify the evaluation errors in
assessing students’ performances within the economic
disciplines, we have conducted between November-
December 2014, a study that took place at the 2
Economical Colleges from Arad county. The correlation
analyses between the independent variable number 1
and dependent variables and between the dependent
variables themselves (as shown in table 1) shows that
there is a significant positive correlation between the
teachers ‘years of experience and their knowledge on
the  evaluation  errors.  Several  measures  for  the
elimination of the evaluation errors emerged from the
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