Decisional uncertainty in human resources management


  • Dana BălaÅŸ-Timar Aurel Vlaicu University Arad


human resources referrer, performance criteria, decisional uncertainty, phase uncertainty, residual uncertainty, Fuzzy EXPERT system


The  study  takes  the  position  that  skills,
knowledge and competences of the Human Resources
Referrer (HRR) are not investigated in conditions of
professional certainty through the batteries of tests, but
these   features   must   highly   correlate   with   the
occupational  standard  established  by  the  profession
stated  by  C.O.R. (Classification  of  Occupations  in
Romania) criteria and to be included in job description.
In most of the recruitment and selection processes the
presentation of job description to candidates is being
omitted due to skepticism. Discussions with Human
Resources staff revealed that this brings along too high
set   expectations   of   the   employee’   self-perceiving
competencies in providing efficient requested services.
This error brings along work overload, the emergence of
task error, decreased motivation, leaving job leaving
after 1-2 years and future denying another similar post.
Thus, gained experience is left behind, at latent level in
the professional path, losing its relevance in time. The
present  study  represents  a  cognitive  perspective  of
approaching uncertainty in decision-making involving
activities currently undertaken by the HRR. The study
was conducted with the help of 8 human resources
professionals, having direct responsibilities in human resources management in organizations with more than 10 employees. The procedure involved completing a questionnaire regarding ranking decisional uncertainty (1 for very low uncertainty - 5 for very high uncertainty) for 140  performance  criteria  of  HRR  occupational standard, sent and returned by e-mail. Thus, it has been avoided external influencing responses by maintaining typical work environment of the respondent. As a result of responses analysis, respondent 8 experts were invited to participate in a Focus group concerning decision-making uncertainty of HRR profession. Results have indicated 3 performance criteria subject of decisional uncertainty, article discussing methods of absorption of phase uncertainty and residual uncertainty, in order to optimize the decisional processes enrolled by a HRR. Conclusions  suggest  that  Fuzzy  EXPERT  decisional system could be successfully used in decision-making organizational   process   regarding   the   selection   and rejection of candidates and employees' evaluation.



