
  • Gabriela Kelemen „Aurel Vlaicu” University of Arad


rehabilitation, reintegration, facilitation, opportunities, mentally disabled, good practices


The present study tries to highlight the
importance of socio-professional reinsertion of people who
contacted a mental disease at some point in their lives. We
also want to present the progress society has made with the
help of the National Programme for Mental Health but also
the nongovernmental organizations. They accessed
European Funds, conducted studies and elaborated reports
on the socio-professional reinsertion level of the mentally
disabled but most importantly, they created practical
opportunities to increase these people`s quality of life. The
article highlight the main orientation of the project, SPSMEmployability
and Mental Health in Europe: urgent needs
for training, social integration and employability whose
main objective is the improvement of techniques used by
professionals in the social and occupational insertion of
people with mental disabilities on the labour market. The
project aims the improvement of abilities and practices of
all involved parties: beneficiaries, professionals and
employers engaged in the labour market insertion and
social reintegration of beneficiaries. The project is a plea
for reflection, search and implementation of viable
solutions for supporting people in vulnerable situations at a
certain point of their lives.


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