curriculum, Alzheimer dementia, systemic approach, work skills and technics, social gerontology.Abstract
The purpose of this theses is to identify and
describe the present situation regarding the intervention of
social work in the specific work with people who suffer
from Alzheimer dementia, on one side, and on the other
side to indentify the necessary needs of the curriculum in
training the social workers who will work with elderly
people as well as with people with Alzheimer dementia
and their relatives.
Considering it is a current social issue I will make an
inventary of the methods and working technics which are
neccesary in the work of the social worker with these
social categories, creating in this way an understanding
( of the pacient and it's relatives) as they are found at the
base of the acquisitions of the social work skills in
Romania, as well as on the international level, as a result
of the educational process of traing on the university level.
The study conducted in the west of Romania, in the
Arad county, Timisoara and Hunedoara, used the method
of basic survey, evaluation of the educational curriculum
of the program of study for social work on a sample of
100 participants ( 40 relatives, 27 specialists, 33 students -
years I, II, III in social work studies) of the University " Vasile Goldis " in Arad as well as in the 9 day centers,
rezidential centers identified in the three counties, in the
work with people suffering from dementia.
The result of the study skores on one side the needs of a
personalized intervention in the work with people
suffering from dementia and with their relatives and the
importance of family support for prevention of
institutionalized abandonment, but especially the need of
gerontological specialists in social work offered by those
in the social work area, through an adaptat/ tailored
curriculum to intervention in this non- contoured social
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