teenagers, self-esteem, personality features, single parent families, two parent families.Abstract
We approached the development of
personality traits and self-esteem during puberty and
adolescence, to observe the influence of the variable
"single parent" to these psychological dimensions. The
motivation for this study is of scientific type, knowing
the high incidence of divorce in Romania and the
education problems of educating and forming the
adolescents in families with single parents/mothers. It is
known that because of the emotional load of puberty
and adolescence can be caused anxiety and depressive
states, resulting in a higher incidence of eating behavior
disorders, drug abuse, suicide attempts. Early
psychological evaluation, personal guidance of
adolescents towards self-knowledge, to express
appropriately explosive feelings, but also the
intervention by counseling programs for optimizing the
personality potential, the development of self-regulating
communication purposes, become prime targets in this
dimension of developmental psychology. The article
presents the results of a study conducted on two
samples of adolescents: with both parents and with a
single parent regarding the development of some
personality features.
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