professional values, professional motivation, training of teachersAbstract
In this paper we propose to realize a comparison between the professional values of teachers in the primary and pre-primary and the professional values of students at Pedagogy of primary and pre-primary education to validate their professional motivation. The research was conducted on a sample of 51 teachers from primary and pre-primary education in the county of Constanţa and 51 students from Ovidius University of Constanţa. The Inventory of professional values, author D. E. Super, and the interview method were applied. A special contribution in the development of a society is the one the school takes as an organization, through its projected objectives, which fosters cultural values of the whole society, reflected in the teaching plan. The performances objectifying the school organization skills depend, to a large extent, on the individual performance of its members, on their motivation and the professional values that they develop.
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