expectations, dysfunctional expectancies, selfconceptions, self-efficacy, anxiety, depression.Abstract
The choice of this research theme is motivated by the
observation that in the long journey towards personal realization,
the way people perceive as effective or inefficient, traces the
border between persons able to report to themselves and to the
environment and those unable to do this. That is why we started
this research to prove if the expectations of personal
effectiveness in the adolescent are related to the problems that
appear in the age of adolescence, characterized by vulnerability,
but also by a great opening towards an infinity of possibilities.
The starting point of this paper is the research of several authors:
Bandura (1986), Mischel and Zeiss (1975), Boncu (2002), which
focuses on the expectation of personal efficiency and the
implication of this variable on personality.
In order to achieve my goal we investigated a number of 70
teenagers who volunteered to research. The statistical analysis
revealed that social efficiency expectations are related to
adolescent adaptation issues: a high level of expectations of
personal effectiveness is associated with low levels of
aggression, anxiety and depression, with high self esteem and
the tendency to establish interpersonal relationships.
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