children’s rights, specialists, congress, solutions and recommendationsAbstract
In the first decade of October, a congress of
specialists involved in the protection of children’s rights took
place at the location of Düzce University, Turkey.
This meeting, that aimed to improve recognition and respect
of children’s rights, brought together specialists in the field
of work with children. During the three-day congress, a
hundred papers on regional analysis of children's rights
protection were presented, along with debates and
brainstorming sessions, intended to highlight children’s
In conclusion, the congress responded with solutions and
recommendations regarding the following categories of
problems: Education for all children (healthy, gifted or with
special needs); Exploitation and violence against children;
Child labor; Refugee children; Addictions; Harmful habits of
children; Cyberbulling etc.
There have been analyzed and concluded several solutions
and recommendations, several methods and ways, aimed to
raise awareness of children’s rights.
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***Declaration of Geneva, 1924;;;;