Current Trends in providing the Toys Security and Consumer Protection


  • Luiela Magdalena Csorba Faculty of Economics "Aurel Vlaicu" University of Arad
  • Sergiu Rusu Faculty of Economics "Aurel Vlaicu" University of Arad


The goods and services market is not in equilibrium. This affects continuously the consumers under multiple aspects: economic, educational, health insurance and security, and so on. Not even the toys market outlets or the toys trading market aren’t trouble free.
Because publications in the toys consumer protection field are seldom (legislation is the starting point in analyzing this area), the checks carried out at national level which showed the marketed toys insecurity and the abuses of the economic agents in this sector determined us to analyze the degree in which people knows the toy-related injuries and the danger to which they expose their own children when purchasing dangerous toys. That’s why a quantitative research was conducted, using the method of questionnaire, distributed through the Romanian consumers, with the aim to check the empirically awareness and the seriousness with which they relate the risks concerning the toys consume.


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Directiva Consiliului Europei nr. 2009/48/EC cu privire la securitatea jucăriilor

Directiva Consiliului UE nr. 88/378/EEC din 3 mai 1988 privind securitatea jucăriilor şi aproximarea legilor statelor membre în acest subdomeniu

Directiva nr. 93/68/CEE, care aduce modificări Directivei 88/378/EEC

Hotărârea Guvernului nr. 396/2003 în ceea ce priveşte asigurarea securităţii utilizatorului de jucării este cea care implementează directivele europene. – Comisarii de la Protecţia Consumatorilor au dat amenzi (publicat 3. 12. 2013, ora 17,20) – Pericolul de la standul de jucării –Protecţia consumatorului amendează, comercianţii nu cedează (publicat 29. 11. 2013)


