Study on the Particular Accounting Practices of Small and Medium Companies


  • Cristina Nicolaescu Faculty of Economics, "Aurel Vlaicu" University of Arad


This article aims to analyse the particularities of small and medium companies in Romania in order to propose a set of practices in accounting terms for these economic entities. To this end has started from the best practice recommendation adopted by the European Commission in November 2008 and guidelines developed by the Small and Medium Practices Committee of the International Federation of Accountants, trying to adapt them to a concrete situation, to the particular situation of small and medium enterprises of Romania. The study features were analysed economic and psycho-social, determined by the mentality of small and medium business owners in Romania and their attitudes about accounting information.


Cioarna, Al., Cilan, T (2010). The impact of the contemporary economic crises on the small and medium entreprises, Theoretical and Practical Approaches in Economics

Final Report of the Expert Group “Accounting System for Small Enterprises - Recommandation and Good Practices (November 2008)

Legea contabilităţii nr.82 din 1990, cu modificările şi actualizările ulterioare.

Ordinul nr. 2861/2009 din 9 octombrie 2009 pentru aprobarea Normelor privind organizarea si efectuarea inventarierii elementelor de natura activelor, datoriilor si capitalurilor proprii.

Ordinul Ministerului Finanţelor Publice nr. 3055 privind reglementările contabile conforme cu Directivele ComunităţilorEuropene.


