Antecedents of loyalty for food products – Investigating the effects of subjective constructs


  • Tamás Gyulavári Institute of Marketing and Media Corvinus University of Budapest
  • Krisztina Rita Dörnyei


Our research aimed to reveal the effects that can be observed during the buying process of food products and can influence the decisions of customers. We focused on the role of enduring involvement in customers’ behavioural loyalty, that is, the repurchase of food brands. To understand this relationship in a more sophisticated way, we involved two mediating constructs in our conceptual model: perceived risk and perceived knowledge of food products. The data collection was carried out among undergraduate students in frame of an online survey, and we used SPSS/AMOS software to test the model. The results only partly supported our hypothesis, although the involvement effects on loyalty and the two mediating constructs were strong enough, loyalty couldn’t be explained well by perceived risk and knowledge. The roles of further mediating/moderating variables should be determined and investigated in the next section of the research series.

Author Biography

Krisztina Rita Dörnyei

Institute of Marketing and Media Corvinus University of Budapest


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