Concentration and Consolidation of the Romanian Bank System in the Reform and Transition Period to the Market Economy


  • Crina Angela Copil Faculty of Economics University of Oradea


concentration, consolidation, bank system, reform, transition.


The countries from Central and Eastern Europe that have at their basis the Soviet Union mode based on a planned economy, centralized, without modern bank institution, were submitted to a process of bank consolidation in the period of 1990-2000. Romania is also among these countries submitted to a diverse process of bank reform. This paper proposes to analyze the period of restructuring of the Romanian bank system, the way in which the process of bank reform was made, which is aligned to the other countries in the process of transitions and which determined the delay of this process, but also a decreased efficiency of the bank system and the loss of its role of engine of the enterprise restructuring. The bank system from Romania was developed during many years of transitions, period characterized by an unstable macroeconomic environment, bank management without a discipline in the activity developed, the increase of the portfolio of low performance credits, the consolidation of the bank system was made by the intrusion of the foreign capital was made by investments of greenfield type, by the bank privatization, that began after 1997, by the taking over of some existent banks by other large banks.


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