The Contribution of Human Capital Investment in the Growth of East Asian Economy – A Literature Review


  • Nabaz Nawzad Abdullah School of Law, Government and International Studies University Utara Malaysia
  • Masayu binti Othman School of Law, Government and International Studies University Utara Malaysia


human capital, individual capital, economic development, technology, investment


Human capital as the wealth of nation supports the economy in a variety of ways. This study intended to elucidate the significance of education, technology utilization and health investment in economic affluence of East Asia. The finding shows a significant relationship between human capital investment and economic growth in East Asia. Human capital investment has become an essential tool to determine nations productivity in both, micro and macro level. The findings come across to assume that, in order to be successful, HC investment through the improvement of technology, education and health system must be cautiously considered in any endeavor towards economic development and sustainability. The study concluded that a person with poor health, lack of knowledge or vocational training will offer less, theoretically, than a person who has been specifically trained or who has attained a higher level of education.


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