Perceptions regarding the Hard and Soft Competencies necessary to access the Romanian Labor Market


  • Lucian Cernusca Faculty of Economics "Aurel Vlaicu" University of Arad, Romania
  • Luiela Magdalena Csorba Faculty of Economics “Aurel Vlaicu” University of Arad, Romania
  • Teodor Florin Cilan Faculty of Economics “Aurel Vlaicu” University of Arad, Romania


hard skills, soft skills, employers, Pearson's chi-squared test, students/MBA students.


The main aim of our research is to analyse the perceptions of the future economists (students and MBA students) in comparison with those of the employers, regarding the hard and soft competenices required in order to access the labor market. To do that, we’ve elaborated an empirical study based on a transversal descriptive research, the chosen method being a statistical survey. We concluded that the employers and students who own a job underlined that soft competencies are more important than hard competencies. The students without jobs give priorities to hard competencies. To achieve work performances, students (future economists) have to possess strong soft skills, able to complete the knowledge acquired during the cycles of studies. To generate sustainable organizational success, the future professionals must combine harmoniously the hard skills with the soft one.


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