Quality assurance of the Teaching – Learning Process in the Financial Economic Analysis


  • Raluca Florentina Cretu Faculty of Accounting and Management Information Systems The Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania
  • Ion Anghel Faculty of Accounting and Management Information Systems The Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania
  • Cristina Stefania Curea Faculty of Accounting and Management Information Systems The Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania


In the current context of economic development, human resources capable of long-life training and adaptable to economic change are essential elements of a model of growth based on competitiveness, efficiency and quality. In this paper we propose to identify strategies to improve the quality of the teaching learning process of Financial Economic Analysis in the Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies to the students in the first cycle of education - graduates cycle, the final year of study. Classroom observation is the qualitative method used to monitor the quality of the teaching learning process. As a complex process of instruments, classroom observation may take different forms and can play several roles.


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