Journal Plus Education 2025-03-13T00:00:00+02:00 Gabriela Kelemen Open Journal Systems <div dir="ltr"> </div> <p><strong>ISSN: 1842-077X </strong></p> <p><strong>E- ISSN (online) 2068 “ 1151</strong></p> <p>The <a title="plus" href="">Journal Plus Education/ Educatia Plus</a> is a transdisciplinary journal that engages a wide spectrum of scholarship and welcomes contributions from the many disciplines and approaches that intersect Educational Sciences research (pedagogy, psychology, special psyhopedagogy and social work).</p> PERSPECTIVES ON INCLUSION. MINI RESEARCH CARRIED OUT WITHIN THE TRAINING PROGRAM ,,EDUCATION IN THE SCHOOL FOR ALL” 2025-02-26T11:41:52+02:00 Elena Maria UNGUREANU Alina Felicia ROMAN <p>Recently, reforms and legislative initiatives in the field of<br>education place an increasing emphasis on providing equal<br>learning opportunities to all individuals. Education for all has<br>become a major priority of educational systems, being centered<br>on equity, participation and respect for diversity. As a trainer in<br>the training program entitled ,,Education in school for all”, I<br>undertook a mini-research on inclusive institutional cultures<br>during March 2022. The mentioned training program, approved<br>by OMEC no. 3189/ 07.02.2020, with a number of 25<br>transferable credits, was developed by the House of the Teachers<br>Body of Bihor County and aimed at the following skills: the<br>development and expansion of transversal skills regarding<br>interaction and communication with the social environment and<br>the pedagogical environment, assuming responsibilities on organizing, <br>leading and improving the strategic performance of<br>professional groups, self-control and reflective analysis of one's<br>own activity and others. The paper presents a mini-research<br>based on the analysis and interpretation of the data obtained<br>following the application of a questionnaire to one of the groups<br>of teachers who participated in the program "Education in the<br>school for all".</p> 2025-03-13T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2025 elena maria ungureanu erdeli, Felicia Alina Roman PARENTS' PERSPECTIVE ABOUT THE USE OF DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY BY CHILDREN IN A RURAL COMMUNITY – BIHOR COUNTY, ROMANIA - 2025-02-26T11:49:08+02:00 Mirela COSMA Anca GOGA <p>The access and use of digital technology by rural pupils are two very little explored issues in Romania. Research on these issues is sporadic, targeted and there is no sustained research over time - longitudinal research - to track the factors that determine changes in the use of technology by pupils in these environments. In an article published in 2021 we made a brief synthesis of the Romanian literature regarding the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) by students (Cosma, 2021). The studies showed an increase in access to digital devices, but also its use for different purposes. The most accessed devices were phone and laptop or computer, followed by tablet. The main online activities were school activities (reports, presentations, projects, homework, etc.) and entertainment activities (music, videos, video games, etc.). In the meantime, in Bihor county, digital equipment has been purchased through the funding lines opened for town halls and schools for this purpose. We mention here Rosia , Budureasa , Remetea etc. In Lazareni the project "Improvement of digital content and systemic ICT infrastructure in the field of e-education in Lazareni, Bihor County" was implemented in the period 20216 - 20227. This project purchased tablets for students, laptops for teachers and other digital equipment totaling 1.170.673,63 lei. The use of this equipment, however, is dependent on the teachers' competence to effectively use this equipment, applications and platforms, but also on the parents' support, motivation and perception of the usefulness of digital technology in the use of it by children. Through this study, we aim to analyze these issues: to explore parents' perceptions of the benefits and risks to which pupils are exposed when using information and communication technology (ICT).</p> 2025-03-13T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Mirela Cosma, Anca Goga ART AS EXPRESION OF FEELINGS FOR CHILDREN 2025-02-26T12:00:15+02:00 Claudia Veronica CIOBANU <p>Art, as a sensory expression os sometimes characterized as a <br>therapeutic medium through which children articulate their<br>emotions. A prevalent notion in certain educational institutions<br>is that the sole justification for creating art is for pupils to<br>express feelings, rather than as an integral academic process.<br>Art is perceived as a cathartic process through which emotions<br>disclose their source. Traditionally, mathematics and literature<br>are conducted in the morning and hold significant importance in<br>the school curriculum. It is unsurprising that art is perceived as<br>an emotional outlet, particularly when children exhibit<br>diminished cognitive concentration. The arts, characterized by<br>an ambiance of joy and emotional expression, are a compelling<br>candidate for therapeutic intervention. We must acknowledge<br>that this is merely a supplementary role; nonetheless, if it serves<br>solely for emotional release, its significance aligns more closely<br>with psychiatry than with expressive art.</p> 2025-03-13T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Claudia Veronica Ciobanu HOW TO INFER MATHEMATICAL SEQUENTIAL MEDIATION RELATIONSHIPS FROM NETWORK ANALYSIS 2025-02-26T12:04:15+02:00 Dana RAD Gavril RAD <p>This paper explores the statistical inference of mathematical<br>sequential mediation relationships through network analysis,<br>utilizing JASP for network modeling and SPSS Process Macro<br>(Model 6) for mediation analysis. Sequential mediation analysis<br>is particularly useful when dealing with highly complex<br>theoretical models or when no theoretical model exists, enabling<br>exploratory or confirmatory studies of specific mediation<br>relationships. Network analysis serves as a complementary tool<br>to identify potential pathways and interrelations within variables<br>before applying mediation models. The paper includes an<br>applied example within a study that uses an extended Technology<br>Acceptance Model (TAM) to identify factors promoting TAM<br>adoption among preschool teachers. The methodological<br>implications of combining sequential mediation and network<br>analysis are discussed, offering significant contributions to the<br>behavioral sciences.</p> 2025-03-13T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Dana RAD BIBLIOMETRIC INSIGHTS ON EDUCATIONAL ASPECTS OF WELLNESS TOURISM: PROMOTING HEALTH AND CULTURAL AWARENESS 2025-02-26T12:40:18+02:00 Mahdu ARORA Shweta ARORA <p>The tourism and wellness sectors are combined in the<br>wellness tourism sector which can satisfy people's dual<br>requirements for travel and health and promote a healthy way of<br>life. (Y. Li &amp; Wen, 2024). Wellness tourism provides physical,<br>quality-of-life, psychological, and environmental health<br>advantages (Liao et al., 2023). In an era of increasing stress,<br>wellness has transformed into a lifestyle of self-discovery and the<br>wellness tourism industry is growing at a pace (K. H. Chen et al.,<br>2013). This research aims to expand knowledge about wellness<br>tourism by exploring its structural dimensions and potential as a<br>multidisciplinary educational tool. By examining its integration<br>into educational frameworks, the study highlights wellness<br>tourism as a valuable resource for teaching sustainable<br>practices, cultural awareness, and holistic health principles.<br>Thus, this study conducted a bibliometric analysis of wellness<br>tourism publications by extracting the data from the Scopus<br>database. 495 documents were considered for final analysis<br>through biblioshiny and Vosviewer. Performance analysis such<br>as most productive authors, journals, papers, annual production<br>patterns, and science mapping such as bibliographic coupling,<br>world collaboration, co-citation analysis, etc was conducted.<br>The findings provide insights for researchers, educators, and<br>industry professionals to advance the field and incorporate<br>wellness tourism into academic curricula and training<br>programs.</p> 2025-03-13T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Mahdu Arora, Shweta Arora MOTIVATION MUSIC INVENTORY RELIABILITY AND VALIDITY, FOR A ROMANIAN VERSION, IN A LARGE STUDENT SAMPLE 2025-02-26T12:42:59+02:00 Cornel Victor IGNA <p>The present study sought to investigate second time<br>the MUSIC inventory reliability and structure validity but, in a<br>larger sample. Published research using multiple samples<br>indicated that MUSIC inventory had excellent Cronbach’s<br>Alpha values for each scale and the structure validly was<br>considered acceptable by more authors, even there have been<br>found higher correlations between its scales. The hypothesis was<br>that the students' perceptions measured using MUSIC inventory<br>would prove the reliability and construct validity of the<br>translated version. The sample of this study consisted of a<br>voluntary group of 215 students, mainly enrolled in the Master's<br>Programs: Educational Management - first and second year and<br>Psychopedagogy of Early Education - first and second year. The<br>study had a cross-sectional design. The structure of the study is<br>similar to the previous one, with the intention to make their<br>results comparable. Also, the same statistical analyses were<br>performed: reliability analysis (Cronbach’s Alpha), factor<br>analysis and correlation analysis. Interpretation of results from<br>this study suggested that the hypothesis of the study was again<br>only partially confirmed, reliability was proved by Cronbach<br>Alpha coefficients to be excellent (between ,946 - ,970) for all<br>scales. Related to the construct validity of the inventory, results<br>not confirmed the theoretical structure. Due to high correlation<br>among all MUSIC items, inventory theoretical structure is<br>susceptible not working properly in all samples.</p> 2025-03-13T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Cornel Victor IGNA CURRICULAR DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY TO SUPPORT THE INCLUSIVE PEDAGOGY APPROACH 2025-02-26T12:46:07+02:00 Elena MARIN <p>This study aims to explore curricular adjustments that<br>support an inclusive pedagogy approach within university<br>settings, focusing on how learning objectives, teaching methods,<br>and learning activities can be adapted to meet the diverse needs<br>of students. The research examines the practical implementation<br>of these adjustments and investigates the challenges and<br>opportunities for fostering an inclusive learning environment. By<br>analyzing the experiences of both university teachers and<br>students, this study seeks to contribute strategies that promote<br>equitable participation and learning for all. The research untilizes<br>a mixed-methods approach, integrating both quantitative and<br>qualitative data to offer a comprehensive analysis. The<br>quantitative component involved administering two distinct<br>questionnaires—one for university teachers and another for<br>students—at the University of Bucharest, with 19 teachers and<br>54 students participating. The questionnaires, structured on a 5-<br>point Likert scale, collected data on the perception of inclusive<br>pedagogical practices. The qualitative component included indepth<br>interviews with five participant<br>analysis to identify key themes related to student learning needs,<br>inclusive participation, and classroom diversity. Findings from<br>this study highlight the importance of differentiated instruction,<br>collaborative work, flexible assessment, and the integration of<br>technology in supporting inclusive practices. The research<br>underscores the need for continued professional development for<br>autonomy and empowerment in an inclusive classroom. This<br>research seeks to provide valuable insights for developing<br>strategies that enhance inclusivity in higher education.</p> 2025-03-13T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Elena MARIN THE MOST IMPORTANT QUALITIES OF A MENTOR IN A TEACHING CAREER 2025-02-26T12:53:11+02:00 Krisztina KATONA Mihaela Iacob BIRESCU Orsolya SZILVASSY Agota BALOGH SZABONE <p>Mentorship within the teaching profession is integral to<br>fostering professional development, equipping mentees with<br>guidance, support, and reflective practices essential for their<br>growth. This article examines the critical qualities of effective<br>mentors, including empathy, integrity, advanced communication<br>skills, adaptability, and reflective practices. Empathy forms the<br>foundation of trust, while active listening deepens the mentormentee<br>connection. Integrity and authenticity enhance<br>credibility, inspiring ethical behavior in mentees. Effective<br>communication ensures the seamless transfer of knowledge and<br>facilitates problem-solving, while flexibility allows mentors to<br>provide personalized guidance. Reflective practice underpins<br>continuous improvement for both mentors and mentees,<br>solidifying mentorship as a collaborative and transformative<br>experience. These attributes collectively enrich the mentorship<br>process, equipping educators to navigate the multifaceted<br>challenges of the teaching profession.</p> 2025-03-13T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Krisztina Katona, Mihaela Iacob Birescu, Orsoly Szilvassy, Agota Balogh Szabone ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND TEACHING-LEARNING PROCESS IN EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS IN NIGERIA: A STUDY OF UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS OF DELTA STATE UNIVERSITY, ABRAKA 2025-02-26T13:00:21+02:00 Ugo Chuks OKOLIE Thomastina Nkechi EGBON <p>In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the<br>application of artificial intelligence (AI) in education. AI is<br>currently used in many areas of education, including<br>administration in schools, learning adaptations, and expanding<br>the accessibility of education. Although AI has a lot of potential<br>benefits, there are obstacles that must be conquer before it can<br>be put into practice. This study examined the relationship<br>between AI and the teaching-learning process in education in<br>Nigeria, specifically focusing on undergraduates at Delta State<br>University, Abraka. A cross-sectional study approach was used<br>in this study, which obtained data from 437 undergraduate<br>students. A stratified sampling technique was used to select a<br>sample of the respondents. To analyze the data for the study, the<br>t-test, correlation, and linear regression analysis were<br>employed. This study demonstrated the robust and beneficial<br>relationship between artificial intelligence and the teaching-learning<br>process in education in Nigerian. However, there are<br>also difficulties with using AI in education. These difficulties<br>include students' excessive reliance on technology, concerns<br>about data security and privacy, unequal access, prejudice and<br>discrimination, technological difficulties, and the decline of<br>human values. The study concluded that in order to prepare their<br>students for the challenges of the AI revolution, Nigerian<br>educational institutions should educate and nurture their<br>students. The use of AI has the potential to improve teaching-<br>learning process, personalize learning to students' needs, and<br>boost administrative effectiveness in school management.<br>Ensuring fairness and inclusivity and the future of teaching in<br>the AI age are crucial when creating AI-based educational<br>systems.</p> 2025-03-13T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Ugo Okolie, Thomastina Nkechi Egbon SCHOOL DROPOUT AMONG ADOLESCENTS - SCHOOL SATISFACTION AND SELF-EFFICACY 2025-02-26T13:05:01+02:00 Cristiana CRET <p>Dropping out of school is a topical phenomenon, being<br>considered not only an act of dropping out of formal education,<br>but also a risky behavior with multiple negative implications on<br>the psychological, social and economic development of<br>adolescents. Adolescence is a period of transition, characterized<br>by a series of biological, cognitive, emotional and social<br>changes. During this period, young people face a number of<br>challenges and the decisions they make can have a long-term<br>impact on the quality of their lives. Dropping out of school is thus<br>a significant threat to adolescents' well-being, both now and in<br>the future. School drop-out has a high incidence in many<br>societies and is an important indicator of the educational health<br>of a country. It affects not only the individual but also the<br>community, contributing to a cycle of poverty and social<br>exclusion. When students drop out of high school, this usually<br>has a negative impact both on their personal development and<br>on society, as they are exposed to an increased risk of<br>unemployment, health problems and social integration<br>difficulties. The aim of this article is to present the causes of<br>school drop-out among adolescents and to present statistically<br>the drop-out rates in different regions/schools, especially in<br>Romania. The average of the 27 EU countries has a 78.5%<br>school enrolment rate according to 2008 data, while our country<br>has a 78.3% share, respectively the early school leaving rate is<br>14.9% in the EU and 15.9% in Romania. As a result of the<br>analysis we can state that there is a strong link between the<br>variables participation in education and the early school leaving<br>rate, and a perfect link between the educational attainment and<br>the unemployment rate. In Romania school dropout rates<br>continue to rise, ranking first in the European Union in this<br>respect. Thus, as the Social Monitor shows, in 2022 the dropout<br>rate at the country level was 15.6% while the average at the<br>European Union level was 10% and has continued to decrease<br>in recent years.</p> 2025-03-13T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Cristiana Cret POSTGRADUATE STUDENTS’ PERCEPTION OF THEIR COMPETENCIES IN DESIGNING EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH: CASE OF THE UNIVERISTY OF NIGERIA, NSUKKA 2025-02-26T13:10:15+02:00 Felicia Chinyere UGWU Sunday OGBU <p>Proficiency in research is a prerequisite for academic<br>achievement for postgraduate students. Even though research<br>writing abilities are crucial, the majority of students find it<br>difficult to complete tasks involving research. As a result, this<br>study looked at how postgraduate students perceived their level<br>of expertise when it came to creating instructional research. The<br>survey design used in the study was descriptive. The study was<br>guided by two null hypotheses and three research questions. A<br>sample of 300 post-graduate students, 157 of whom were male<br>and 143 of whom were female, was employed in the study. There<br>were 198 Masters and 102 Ph.D. students. The researchers<br>created the Students' Perceptions on their Competences in<br>Research Designing Questionnaire (SPCRDQ), which was the<br>tool used to collect data. Using Cronbach's Alpha, the<br>instrument's dependability was assessed; the result was a<br>reliability index of 0.85. The three research questions were<br>addressed using the mean and standard deviation, and the two<br>null hypotheses were tested at the 0.05 level of significance using<br>the t-test statistical method. The results show that students were<br>competent in some areas but there were areas in designing<br>educational research they need improvement. It also showed that<br>there was no discernible difference between the perceptions of<br>male and female students' design competencies. Nonetheless, a<br>notable distinction was found in the design of educational<br>research competencies between Ph.D. and masters students.</p> 2025-03-13T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Felicia Chinyere, Sunday OGBU THE EFFECT OF ONLINE TEACHING ON STUDENTS 2025-02-26T13:14:35+02:00 Onisim BOTEZATU <p>The professional administration of student counseling plays<br>a crucial role in the formation and harmonious development of<br>students, particularly those who have experienced prolonged<br>periods of learning in isolation due to the online education<br>system. In our case, eighth-grade students who have undergone<br>this type of education require targeted psychological, emotional,<br>and academic support to reintegrate successfully into a<br>traditional learning environment. Through specialized<br>counseling programs, students can enhance their social<br>interaction skills, improve their emotional well-being, and<br>regain confidence in face-to-face educational settings.<br>Moreover, professional counseling helps identify individual<br>challenges, providing tailored interventions that facilitate both<br>academic achievement and personal growth. Addressing the<br>long-term effects of online learning requires a structured,<br>empathetic, and adaptive approach, ensuring that students<br>develop resilience, motivation, and a sense of belonging within<br>their school community.</p> 2025-03-13T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Onisim Botezatu DOMINANT ATTITUDES OF PRESCHOOL TEACHERS TOWARDS NURTURING, PROMOTING AND ENHANCING TRADITIONAL VALUES WITHIN THE INTEGRATED APPROACH TO PRESCHOOL EDUCATION 2025-02-26T13:20:47+02:00 Ana VUKOBRAT <p>During the preschool period, activities designed for children<br>should foster the initiation of friendly relationships based on<br>mutual understanding and the acquisition of traditional values<br>that promote togetherness and encourage individual<br>responsibility. This can be achieved by nurturing customs and<br>music, which, in this context, serve as natural channels of<br>communication. These practices help to instil behavioural<br>norms, strengthen connections, and promote mutual respect. In<br>this article, the authors analyse the dominant attitudes of<br>preschool teachers towards methods for promoting traditional<br>values in preschool-aged children within the integrated<br>approach to education. This is the primary focus of the<br>conducted research. The instrument used was a questionnaire<br>specifically designed for this study, titled Questionnaire on the<br>opinions of preschool teachers on promoting traditional values<br>within the integrated approach to preschool education. The<br>research sample consisted of 116 preschool teachers (N = 116).<br>The selected factors were interpreted as follows: Nurturing<br>traditional values through educational activities; Challenges<br>associated with activities/projects related to traditional values;<br>Development and strengthening of competencies for conducting<br>activities/projects related to traditional values and Local<br>community as a resource for promoting traditional values</p> 2025-03-13T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Ana Vukobrat ENHANCING ONLINE COMMUNICATION SKILLS IN EDUCATION:A REVIEW OF CURRENT DIGITAL CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR TEACHERS AND STUDENTS 2025-02-26T13:29:35+02:00 Andreea-Ionela RUSU <p>This review article highlights the critical need to develop<br>online communication skills among both students and teachers<br>in the context of remote educational processes. The COVID-19<br>pandemic forced an abrupt transition to online teaching,<br>requiring teachers and students alike to adapt their<br>communication practices and enhance their digital<br>competencies. For some educators, this shift posed significant<br>challenges, as they were unprepared for the demands of online<br>instruction. Additionally, students from underprivileged areas<br>faced difficulties in participating effectively due to limited access<br>to necessary technology. This paper aims to outline the key<br>advantages and challenges of online communication in<br>educational contexts, while emphasizing the importance of<br>strengthening online communication skills for both educators<br>and students in light of current digitalization trends in education.<br>Developing these competencies will enable educators and<br>students to navigate digital environments more effectively,<br>fostering adaptability and resilience in an increasingly<br>technology-driven educational landscape. I believe that fostering<br>awareness and understanding of the need to develop online<br>communication skills is essential—not only due to the continuous<br>changes in the educational system and rapid technological<br>advancement but also to ensure professional readiness for future<br>challenges that may restrict face-to-face interaction with<br>students. Online communication is crucial for both teachers and<br>students, serving not only as an efficient means of information<br>exchange but also as a viable alternative to traditional<br>education.</p> 2025-03-13T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Andreea-Ionela Rusu INVESTIGATION OF INTERNET ADDICTION AND INTERPERSONAL RELATIONSHIP AMONG UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS 2025-02-26T13:33:47+02:00 Rukayat Oyebola IWINTOLU Ramona Ajoke RASAQ Kayode Ayodeji ALAQ <p>The study investigated internet addiction and interpersonal<br>relationship among undergraduates’ students in Nigeria. Four<br>research questions guided the study. The study employed<br>descriptive research design. The population consisted of<br>undergraduate students of Osun State university. Stratified and<br>simple random sampling was used to select 200 respondents<br>across nine (9) departments in two colleges. An adapted<br>questionnaire from Internet Addiction Test (IAT) and<br>Interpersonal Solidarity Scale (ISS) was employed for the study.<br>The results of the findings indicated that internet addiction is<br>moderate among undergraduates. The result also showed age,<br>level, course and religion do not significantly influence internet<br>addiction of undergraduates. However, gender significantly<br>influences internet addiction. The result also indicated that<br>personal relations, interpersonal relationship, means of surfing<br>the internet and place of residence does not significantly predict<br>students’ internet addiction. Finally, the result concluded that,<br>the more undergraduates become addicted to the internet, the<br>lesser the level of interpersonal relationship. It is thus<br>recommended that, internet addiction awareness should be<br>created among undergraduates in Osun State University through<br>seminars, workshops among others.</p> 2025-03-13T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Rukayat Iwintolu, Ramona Ajoke Rasaq, Kayode Ayodeji Alaq THE PARADOX OF DIGITAL CONNECTIVITY: GROUP - CENTERED EDUCATION AS A PATHWAY FOR DEVELOPING ESSENTIAL LIFE AND CIVIC SKILLS 2025-02-26T13:44:36+02:00 Raluca Roxana VOSTINAR <p>In an era defined by unprecedented digital connectivity,<br>individuals appear closer than ever; yet, true connection and<br>social interaction remain elusive. This paradox of digital<br>connectivity reveals that, while technology promises ease and<br>connection, it often deepens our reliance on comfort, creating a<br>barrier to genuine interpersonal interactions (Warschauer,<br>2003). Education today faces the immense challenge of<br>equipping the current generation with essential life and civic<br>skills in a digital landscape that offers minimal support for<br>developing qualities like empathy, collaboration, and resilience<br>(Guerrero Elecalde et al., 2024). Group-centered education<br>emerges as a response to these limitations, redefining the<br>classroom into a shared, socially interactive space that<br>prioritizes group dynamics, empathy, and teamwork over<br>individualistic learning paths (Desjardins &amp; Wiksten, 2022).<br>Embracing technological evolution is essential, yet education<br>remains the key to a balanced world, where group-centered<br>education can act as a pillar for harmonious and balanced<br>development, fostering social and civic engagement critical for<br>today's learners (CERL Georgetown University, 2024). This<br>work demonstrates that a skilled educator can harness the<br>group’s potential remarkably, encouraging collaboration and<br>engagement that foster socially resilient individuals (Fink,<br>2014). By fostering cooperative learning and emphasizing civic<br>engagement, group-centered education reimagines the<br>classroom as a foundational community for cultivating critical<br>life and civic skills essential for students to thrive both personally<br>and socially. Research indicates that when effectively managed,<br>group-centered settings allow students to overcome<br>individualistic barriers and promote robust civic engagement<br>and collaborative problem-solving skills (Barron, 2003).</p> 2025-03-13T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Raluca Roxana Vostinar BENEFITS AND CHALLENGES OF BLENDED LEARNING: PERSPECTIVES OF PRE-SERVICE TEACHERS OF PRIMARY EDUCATION IN ILORIN, NIGERIA 2025-02-26T13:47:23+02:00 Mayowa Olurotimi OGUNJIMI Muideen Ayomide ATOBA <p>The study investigated the perceived benefits and challenges<br>of blended learning among pre-service teachers of primary<br>education in Ilorin, Nigeria. The study adopted descriptive<br>survey research design. The target population consists of all preservice<br>teachers of primary education in tertiary institutions in<br>Ilorin, Nigeria, while the study sample consist of 400 pre-service<br>teachers randomly selected across four tertiary institutions.<br>Researcher self-constructed questionnaire titled: “Benefits and<br>Challenges of Blended Learning Questionnaire” (BCBLQ) was<br>used for data collection. The instrument was validated by two<br>experts in Teacher Education and Educational Test and<br>Measurement, while Cronbach Alpha reliability method used<br>yielded an index of 0.83. Mean and standard deviation was used<br>to answer the research questions, while Multivariate Analysis of<br>Variance was used to test the hypothesis formulated. The findings<br>revealed that blended learning is beneficial to teaching and<br>learning as it promotes collaborative learning and improves<br>learners’ engagement. It was also revealed that lack of suitable<br>infrastructure and access to technology is among the constraints<br>for the successful implementation of blended learning. It was<br>recommended that school administrators should encourage the<br>integration of blended learning to foster effective teaching and<br>learning.</p> 2025-03-13T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Mayowa Ogunjimi, Muideen Ayomide Atoba FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT – AN OBJECTIVE IN UNIVERSITY EDUCATION 2025-02-26T13:49:50+02:00 Maria Iulia FELEA <p>The quality of assessment in university education depends, to<br>a considerable extent, on the professional training of teachers in<br>the creation of a system of practical-applicative strategies in<br>formative assessment, which is a valuable tool for adapting and<br>adjusting the teaching-learning process. Recently, formative<br>assessment research has gained considerable momentum. In the<br>context of post-modern education, assessment is expanding its<br>scope, moving beyond the end of the learning process and<br>actively integrating into it. Thus, the student becomes an active<br>participant in the learning and assessment process, taking on the<br>role of an actor in his or her own learning. Based on learning,<br>formative assessment plays an essential role in university<br>education through authentic feedback between teachers and<br>students. Formative assessment thus has two essential functions:<br>on the one hand, it helps to correct the teaching process in order<br>to reduce the difficulties encountered by students and, on the<br>other hand, it allows the teaching-learning process to be<br>adjusted.</p> 2025-03-13T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Maria Iulia FELEA SCHOOL LOCATIONS AND GENDER MODERATED VARIABLES ON TEACHERS’ QUALITY AS PREDICTOR OF SENIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL SCIENCE STUDENTS’ ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT 2025-02-26T13:55:05+02:00 Obikezie Maxwell CHUKWNAZO Enebechi Regina IJEAMASI Nwuba Shedrack IZUNNA Eke Joy ANULIKA <p>Following the potentially informing educational policy and<br>practices across the globe, this study investigated school<br>locations and gender moderated variables on teachers’ quality<br>as predictor of senior secondary school science students’<br>academic achievement. Two research questions guided the study<br>while two hypotheses were tested at 0.05 alpha level. The<br>correlation survey design was adopted. The population of the<br>study comprised 2720 senior secondary two (SS 2) students<br>offering science subjects in all the public secondary schools in<br>Onitsha Education Zone. A Sample size of 408 SS 2 science<br>students offering biology, chemistry, data processing, physics<br>and mathematics in the Education Zone was drawn using<br>multistage procedure. Students Rating of Teachers’ Quality<br>(SRTQ), and the achievement scores which was obtained from<br>biology, chemistry, data processing, physics and mathematics<br>teachers’ grade book for 2023/2024 academic session from the<br>sampled schools were used as instruments for data collection.<br>The instruments were validated by three experts from Nnamdi<br>Azikiwe University, Awka. The reliability of SRTQ was<br>established using Cronbach alpha method. The reliability<br>coefficients of SRTQ was found to be 0.71. Both SRTQ and the<br>academic achievement scores of senior secondary school science<br>students offering biology, chemistry, data processing, physics<br>and mathematics were used as a method for data collection.<br>Coefficient R and R2 were used to answer research question<br>while regression ANOVA (linear and multiple) were used to test<br>the hypotheses. The findings from the results revealed that low<br>positive predictive value exist between teachers’ quality and<br>academic achievement in science subjects among urban and<br>rural based senior secondary school students. However,<br>teachers’ quality is not a significant predictor of the academic<br>achievement of urban and rural secondary school students in<br>science subjects. Low positive predictive value exist between<br>teachers’ quality and academic achievement of male and female<br>senior secondary school students in science subjects. However,<br>teachers’ quality is not a significant predictor of the academic<br>achievement of male and female senior secondary school<br>students in science subjects. From the findings it was<br>recommended that senior secondary school science teachers<br>should endavour to indicate other factors that can influence<br>students’ achievement in senior secondary school subjects more<br>significantly than teachers’ quality irrespective of students’<br>gender and school base. Base on the recommendation<br>conclusions were made.</p> 2025-03-13T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Maxwell OBIKEZIE, Enebechi Regina, Nwuba Shedrack, Eke Joy VIRTUAL REALITY AS AN EDUCATIONAL TOOL IN EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES 2025-02-26T14:01:16+02:00 Alina Florina RATIU <p>The amalgam of contemporary educational challenges,<br>combined with the specificity of today's learners, requires<br>constant adaptation to innovative methods to meet their needs.<br>Today's generation, often referred to as "digital natives,"<br>requires personalized learning, based on a variety of modern<br>methods that stimulate their curiosity, develop their ability to<br>adapt quickly and, last, but not least, keep them motivated to<br>learn. With traditional methods becoming less and less<br>appealing to these learners, the future of education needs to be<br>reconsidered by integrating interactive approaches and<br>innovative technologies. While specific formal curriculum<br>activities can condition or limit the use of technologies that<br>create the premises for enjoyable and interactive educational<br>experiences, extracurricular activities are the appropriate space<br>to explore the use of technology in general, and in relation to the<br>topic of the article specifically, Virtual Reality. The use of virtual<br>reality (VR) as an educational tool in extracurricular activities<br>offers a transformative approach to student development,<br>providing immersive, interactive and practical learning<br>opportunities. This article explores the benefits and limitations<br>of integrating VR into extracurricular activities, providing<br>recommendations and examples for effective implementation of<br>this technology.</p> 2025-03-13T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Alina Florina Ratiu IMPACTS OF INDUSTRIAL DISHARMONY ON TERTIARY INSTITUTIONS IN NIGERIA 2025-02-26T14:06:18+02:00 Christopher GBEREVBIE Onofere Princewill OKEREKA Akpomuvire MUKORO <p>The issue of disharmony in Nigerian tertiary institutions has<br>become a significant challenge, affecting academic quality,<br>institutional stability, and national development. This paper<br>examines the various cases and underlying causes of disharmony<br>within Nigerian universities, polytechnics, and colleges of<br>education. Through a critical review of the literature and<br>empirical data, the paper highlights the adverse impacts of<br>disharmony, such as reduced academic productivity, a decline in<br>the quality of graduates, infrastructural decay, and loss of public<br>trust in higher education. The study argues that addressing<br>disharmony requires collaborative efforts between government,<br>management of institutions, staff unions, and students. By<br>promoting inclusivity, strengthening institutional autonomy, and<br>ensuring effective conflict management mechanisms, Nigerian<br>tertiary institutions can foster a more harmonious and<br>productive academic environment.</p> 2025-03-13T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Christopher GBEREVBIE, Onofere Princewill Okereka, Akpomuvire Mukoro THE FORMATIVE DIMENSIONS OF COOPERATIVE LEARNING 2025-02-26T14:09:55+02:00 Monica Iuliana ANCA <p>Cooperative learning is a pedagogical approach that involves<br>pupils and students working together to achieve common goals<br>or accomplish group tasks. The efficacy of cooperative learning<br>as a pedagogical practice is widely acknowledged, with evidence<br>indicating its capacity to facilitate socialisation and learning<br>among students at all levels, from kindergarten to university, and<br>across diverse subject areas. The approach emphasises the<br>importance of pupils and students working together as a<br>unifiedteam in a collaborative and supportive environment. This<br>enables them to provide constructive feedback, enhance their<br>existing knowledge, engage in active and creative thinking, and<br>negotiate solutions collectively. When teachers structure<br>activities in small groups, pupils/ students are more interactive,<br>using more equitable communication so that ideas are shared<br>between group members and they develop more ideas to explain<br>the problem at hand. The fact that pupils and students interact<br>and work together not only enables them to learn from each<br>other, but also allows them to accept more autonomy over the<br>tasks they have to accomplish and the decisions they have to<br>make. Research also shows that students have a lot to learn when<br>they have opportunities to interact with each other, listen to what<br>others have to say, share ideas and information, ask questions,<br>critique others' ideas, and use the information to reason and<br>solve problems together.</p> 2025-03-13T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Monica Iuliana Anca ASSESSMENT OF SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS’ DIFFICULTIES IN TRANSLATING WORD PROBLEMS INTO ALGEBRAIC EQUATIONS 2025-02-26T14:12:35+02:00 Sunday OGBU <p>The purpose of this study was to assess the difficulties<br>secondary school students encounter in translating algebraic<br>word problems into algebraic equations. This study was<br>conducted at Nsukka Local Government Area, Enugu State,<br>Nigeria. A survey research approach was employed in this study.<br>Two research questions were answered and one hypothesis was<br>tested in this study. The sample was 140 participants, selected<br>using stratified proportionate random sampling approach. The<br>data gathering tool was an essay test constructed by the<br>researcher and entitled ‘Algebraic Word Problem Test (AWPT)’.<br>The AWPT was validated by experts after which the inter-rater<br>reliability was determined using Kendall’s correlation of<br>concordance (W) which yielded reliability index of 0.81. The<br>findings indicated that students did not encounter difficult in<br>representing unknown variables with letters. However, students<br>had difficulties in: (i) generating linear algebraic terms, (ii)<br>creating linear algebraic expressions, (iii) equating two<br>algebraic expressions to obtained the require equations, (iv) in<br>generating the two distinct simultaneous equations as required<br>by the questions, (v) creating quadratic terms, (vi) generating<br>quadratic algebraic expressions, and (vii) creating and writing<br>the final quadratic equation. Gender had no influence on<br>difficulties encountered by students in translating word problems<br>to equations. Recommendations were made in light of the<br>findings.</p> 2025-03-13T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Sunday Ogbu EARLY EDUCATION: CHALLENGES AND PERSPECTIVES FOR DEBUTANT TEACHERS 2025-02-26T14:17:06+02:00 Ana-Maria CRISAN Monica COSTE <p>The study focuses on the transition of debutant teachers from<br>theoretical training to teaching practice. It also identifies<br>significant challenges they face in their first career years and<br>examines the experiences of debutant teachers in their initial<br>teaching years, exploring sustainment opportunities, adaptation<br>methods, and support measures. The research investigates<br>resilience strategies developed by these beginner teachers,<br>which include stress management techniques and innovative<br>approaches to building relationships. It also proposes solutions<br>to enhance institutional support, which could enhance job<br>satisfaction and to retain debutant teachers within the<br>educational system. The primary methodological tool is an<br>anonymous questionnaire distributed online in the Cluj and Sibiu<br>counties, structured around four key areas: identifying main<br>challenges, exploring opportunities, analyzing adaptation<br>methods, and proposing solutions and recommendations in order<br>to support the integration and professional development of<br>teachers in their early career, in accordance to the needs of the<br>early education for children. Among the general conclusions of<br>the survey, it is highlighted the importance of mentorship and<br>both initial qualification and continuous training, addressing<br>specific topics such as communication with parents, managing<br>administrative tasks, and supporting children with special needs.<br>Therewith, the research emphasizes that a healthy <br>organizational culture, focused on collaboration and continuous<br>development, increases the efficiency of the educational process,<br>enhances the well-being of the school community, and reduces<br>the risk of early-career teacher abandonment.</p> 2025-03-13T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Ana-Maria Crisan, Monica Coste STUDENTS’ PERCEPTIONS OF COLLABORATIVE LEARNING APPROACH AND THE INTERPLAY OF SOME DEMOGRAPHIC VARIABLES IN LEARNING BASIC SCIENCE 2025-02-26T14:23:17+02:00 Nnaemeka Kenechi OGUEZUE Sarah Taiwo ADEBOYE Somtochukwu Marybenedicta ONYIMBA <p>In recent pedagogical innovations aimed at enhancing<br>students' understanding of basic scientific knowledge, the<br>collaborative learning approach (CLA) has emerged as an<br>enterprising pedagogical approach. However, there has been<br>limited research attention on students' perceptions of the use of<br>CLA amidst its obvious benefits. For this purpose, students’<br>perception, toward the use of CLA in Basic Science was<br>evaluated. Using cross-sectional survey design and Social<br>cognitive theory (SCT), students learning behaviour and<br>perception were explained. Data have been collected through<br>questionnaires from basic education students. Descriptive<br>statistics were utilized to answer the research questions, while<br>hypothesis testing was conducted using independent sample ttests<br>and ANOVA at a 0.05 alpha level. The findings provided<br>evidence that students’ perception is generally positive towards<br>the use of CLA, &amp; no significant difference in the perception of<br>male &amp; female students was observed. The findings also provided<br>evidence that there is no significant difference between students’<br>birth order and their perceptions of CLA in the classroom.<br>Amongst all, the classroom setting &amp; teacher relationship with<br>the students should be revisited to enhance equal participation<br>of males &amp; females.</p> 2025-03-13T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2025 NNAEMEKA OGUEZUE, Sarah Taiwo Adeboye, Somtochukwu Marybenedicta Onyimba FROM LOCAL TRADITIONS TO DIGITAL STORIES TO CULTIVATE EMPATHY AND CULTURAL AWARENESS 2025-02-26T14:26:52+02:00 Denisa Ramona CHASCIAR <p>Integrating digital storytelling into cultural education is an<br>innovative approach to cultivating empathy and cultural<br>awareness among students. This study explores how children can<br>be actively involved in documenting local traditions and<br>transforming them into creative digital narratives. By combining<br>storytelling techniques with accessible digital tools, students are<br>encouraged to interact with community members, discover the<br>value of their cultural heritage, and develop essential emotional<br>and social skills. The results of the research highlight the impact<br>of these activities on empathy, collaboration and appreciation of<br>diversity. The findings underscore that such educational<br>initiatives not only enrich students' understanding of their<br>cultural roots, but also equip them with transferable skills<br>needed in the digital age. The paper emphasizes<br>of integrating active and creative methodologies into cultural<br>education in order to ensure a balanced socio-emotional<br>development and a deeper connection with cultural identity.</p> 2025-03-13T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Denisa Ramona CHASCIAR THE EFFECTIVE MATHEMATICS TEACHING: THE ROADMAP TO DEVELOPING PUPILS’ INTEREST AND UNDERSTANDING OF MATHEMATICS 2025-02-26T14:33:17+02:00 Odiri E. ONOSHAKPOKAIYE <p>The study looks at the roadmap for increasing pupils' interest<br>in and comprehension of mathematics, which is a successful<br>method of teaching the subject. Because mathematics is so<br>important to our everyday lives, it should be studied by<br>everybody. Correct handling of mathematics necessitates having<br>effective teachers. One prerequisite for this effective teaching of<br>mathematics was the creation of a suitable classroom<br>environment. In the classroom, a welcoming environment is<br>necessary. The study examined successful methods of teaching<br>mathematics to foster students' interest in and comprehension of<br>the subject. Some of the literature looked at the efficacy of math<br>instruction. The study looks at successful math teachers and the<br>strategies they should employ to get kids more interested in the<br>subject. A review of certain studies on the effectiveness of math<br>training was done. The study looks at creative math instructors<br>and various approaches to using efficient teaching methods to<br>pique students' interest in math.</p> 2025-03-13T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Odiri E. Onoshakpokaiye APPROACHING THE FEUERSTEIN METHOD THROUGH SELF-DETERMINATION THEORY IN THE CONTEXT OF SOCIAL INCLUSION OF ADOLESCENTS WITH AUTISTIC DISORDER 2025-02-26T14:50:14+02:00 Ana CIOBOTARIU Mihaela GAVRILA-ARDELEAN <p>In the context of education aimed at inclusion and<br>personalization of the educational process according to<br>individual needs, implementing interventions that address the<br>challenges faced by adolescents with autism spectrum disorders<br>(A.S.D.) becomes essential. The Feuerstein Method, based on<br>cognitive modifiability, mediated learning, and instrumental<br>enrichment, together with Deci and Ryan's Self-Determination<br>Theory, outlines an integrative approach that supports the<br>autonomy, competence, and relational needs of adolescents with<br>A.S.D., while also contributing to cognitive function<br>development, social integration, and improvement in their<br>quality of life (Deci, &amp; Ryan, 2017; Tudoce, Salime, Deloyer, &amp;<br>al., 2023). Studies have shown that adolescents participating in<br>instrumental enrichment programs demonstrate significant<br>improvement in their ability to identify and manage emotions, as<br>well as in self-regulation, self-esteem, autonomy, and social<br>relationship skills (Bailey &amp; Pransky, 2010; Dughi, 2022;<br>Runcan, Runcan, Goian, Nadolu, &amp; Gavrila-Ardelean, 2020;<br>Todor, 2014).</p> 2025-03-13T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Ana Ciobotariu, Mihaela Gavrila-Ardelean PERCEPTION: FOOD CHALLENGES, OTHER FACTORS HINDER STUDENTS OF RURAL AREAS IN SOME SOKOTO NORTH-EASTERN LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREAS FROM PROCEEDING TO HIGHER INSTITUTIONS 2025-02-26T14:52:33+02:00 Yusuf SARKINGOBIR <p>This study investigates the factors affecting rural students'<br>progression to higher institutions in some local governments of<br>northeastern Sokoto, Nigeria. The findings reveal that 70.0% of<br>respondents attend school without food, while 30.0% bring food.<br>The majority (73.0%) agree that food insecurity affects their<br>education. Socioeconomic factors, including father's income and<br>education, also impact rural students' ability to pursue higher<br>education. Educational factors, such as access to educational<br>tools and school type, also play a significant role. Cultural<br>factors, including cultural background and perceived<br>importance of education, also influence rural students'<br>educational aspirations. The study recommends improving<br>agriculture in rural areas, providing more teachers and funding,<br>and addressing cultural ideals that may discourage education.<br>The findings have implications for policymakers and educators<br>seeking to promote equitable access to higher education for rural<br>students in Nigeria.</p> 2025-03-13T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2025 YUSUF SARKINGOBIR THE EFFECTS OF LIMITED ACCESS TO SPORT ON CHILDREN'S SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT AND EDUCATIONAL SOLUTIONS FOR INCLUSION 2025-02-26T14:55:10+02:00 Vasile CHASCIAR Denisa Ramona CHASCIAR <p>Limited access to sport can significantly influence children's<br>social development, affecting their relationship skills, social<br>integration and emotional health. This article examines the<br>impact of economic, cultural and infrastructural barriers on<br>children's participation in sports activities. Through an analysis<br>of the literature and data collected from recent studies, the<br>negative effects of sports exclusion and educational solutions<br>that can facilitate inclusion are identified. The results highlight<br>the need to implement adapted educational programs that<br>integrate sport as a tool for social development. In conclusion,<br>the article provides practical recommendations for public<br>policies and educational frameworks, emphasizing the<br>importance of equal opportunities in access to sport.</p> 2025-03-13T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Vasile CHASCIAR, Denisa Ramona CHASCIAR FEEDBACK IN FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT 2025-02-26T14:59:34+02:00 Alina Felicia ROMAN Maria Iulia FELEA <p>In modern didactics, assessment is perceived as a complex,<br>continuous activity, designed to take place in distinct but<br>interconnected stages throughout the educational process.<br>Formative assessment involves the constant monitoring of<br>outcomes throughout the instructional process, thus ensuring<br>progressive and well-structured learning in small sequences. An<br>important aspect of this process is the feedback that provides<br>useful information to students on their performance. In the<br>research that I carried out in the undergraduate program<br>Pedagogy of Primary and Pre-school Education, a number of key<br>elements were investigated that refer to the aspects of feedback<br>in formative assessment. The mode of investigation used in the<br>research was the survey, carried out using the questionnaire as<br>an instrument. A number of novel elements of the presence of<br>feedback in formative assessment emerged from the research.</p> 2025-03-13T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Alina Felicia Roman, Maria Iulia Felea SOCIAL JUSTICE AND MANAGEMENT OF HIGHER EDUCATION 2025-02-26T15:03:04+02:00 Nimota Jibola Kadir ABDULLAHI <p>A significant issue related to social justice in higher<br>education is the lack of equitable access to quality education for<br>all individuals regardless of their socio-economic background.<br>This problem is rooted in issues such as rising tuition costs,<br>limited financial aid options, disparities in resources and<br>opportunities among different communities, and systematic<br>barriers that prevent marginalized groups from pursuing higher<br>education. The purpose of this study was to investigate the<br>relationship between social justice and the management of<br>higher education. The research used a survey instrument and a<br>quantitative research design. Statistical techniques including<br>SPSS version 20.0, and SMART PLS software were used to<br>analyze the received questionnaire and test the hypotheses.<br>Social justice represented three distinct factors, i.e., affordable<br>education, safe and inclusive environment, and language<br>accessibility; management of higher education was indicated by<br>three dimensions, governance structure, quality assurance as<br>well and student service. The result also demonstrated the<br>validity and reliability of each factor. The findings show a<br>positive and strong relationship between affordable education, a<br>safe and inclusive environment, language accessibility, and<br>management of higher education. The study recommends that the<br>government should make education more affordable, necessary,<br>free, accessible, acceptable, and flexible enough to adjust to<br>societal changes. Also, should provide a safe and inclusive<br>environment as well as multilateral interaction to ensure<br>language accessibility. The study's conclusions show that<br>affordable education, a safe and inclusive environment,<br>language accessibility, and management of higher education<br>have a good and significant association.</p> 2025-03-13T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Nimota Jibola Kadir Abdullahi DEVELOPING PEDAGOGICAL SKILLS THROUGH INOVATIVE STEAM EDUCATION METHODS FOR FIRST YEAR PRIMARY AND PRESCHOOL EDUCATION STUDENTS 2025-02-26T15:13:35+02:00 Doina Florica TIFREA <p>In the context of contemporary education, integrating the<br>STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and<br>Mathematics) approach into the initial training of future<br>teachers becomes essential for developing pedagogical skills<br>adapted to current demands. This work explores the impact of<br>innovative STEAM-based activities on first-year students. By<br>integrating STEAM activities into the training of future teachers,<br>we will significantly contribute to the development of skills<br>necessary for a modern and efficient educational act.</p> 2025-03-13T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Doina Florica TIFREA VOLUNTEERING AS A PLATFORM FOR FUTURE CAREERS: HOW CIVIC ENGAGEMENT HELPS YOUTH BUILD THEIR PROFESSIONAL FUTURE 2025-02-26T15:30:59+02:00 Catalin-Iulian DRAGAN <p>Volunteering is often viewed as a noble act of giving back to<br>the community. However, it also serves as a powerful platform<br>for personal and professional development. This article explores<br>how civic engagement through volunteering influences the future<br>careers of young individuals, focusing on sociological and<br>psychological scales used to measure the impact on 55 students<br>from the Orthodox Theological Seminary in Arad, specifically<br>11th and 12th graders. The findings reveal significant benefits in<br>skill development, social capital, and career orientation.</p> 2025-03-13T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Catalin-Iulian Dragan IMPROVING QUALITY OF LIFE THROUGH VIRTUAL REALITY: EMOTIONAL REGULATION IN ADULTS WITH INTELLECTUAL DISABILITIES USING THE LIMINAL VR PLATFORM 2025-02-26T15:51:31+02:00 Mihaela Camelia MOTORCA Mihaela GAVRILA-ARDELEAN <p>This research paper aims to explore the integration of the<br>virtual reality (VR) along with the emotional journaling in order<br>to improve emotional regulation and also to reduce the selfharming<br>behaviors in a participant with severe intellectual<br>disabilities (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). The<br>intervention included three sessions using the Cosmic Flow<br>Scenario on the Liminal VR (ArborXR, n.d.) platform together<br>with daily emotional journaling based on Paul Ekman’s<br>universal emotions (Ekman, n.d.). The results highlighted major<br>improvements in emotional self-regulation, reflected in an<br>increased Emotional Balance Coefficient from 0.75 to 2.5 and<br>the termination of self-harming behaviors. The observations<br>underscore the potential of VR interventions in social work,<br>emphasising their scalability for broader application, in spite of<br>the challenges such as costs and accessibility. Future research is<br>needed to investigate long-term impacts and group-based<br>implementations (Yalon-Chamovitz &amp; Weiss 2008).</p> 2025-03-13T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Mihaela Camelia Motorca, Mihaela Gavrila-Ardelean MANAGING PSYCHOSOMATIC DISORDERS IN STUDENTS. THE ROLE OF THE SOCIAL WORKER IN IDENTIFYING FAMILY RISK FACTORS 2025-02-26T15:56:29+02:00 Alina COSTIN <p>Ganong, Coleman (2014) summarizes the evidence to answer the question: why use qualitative family research? Tthe authors mention only a few benefits of these studies, namely, exploring meanings, capturing relational processes. The study aims to highlight the importance of the complexity of the social worker's activity and the need to integrate psychological knowledge into professional practice, in order to improve the quality of social intervention. A case of psychosomatic disorder, selected through intentional qualitative sampling, very faithfully reflects a reality frequently encountered in school, namely that the school environment takes on the problems of the family and societal system through its students. The exploration of family relational processes, possible by integrating elements of family and child psychology, once again emphasizes the impact of the family environment on the child. The importance of providing the presence of social workers in schools, challenged to respond as documented, attentive and professional as possible to increasingly complex realities, is discussed.</p> 2025-03-13T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Alina COSTIN MEANS OF TRANSFORMATION OF TRADITIONAL TEACHING METHODS AND INNOVATION FOSTERING THROUGH OUTDOOR EDUCATION AND NON-FORMAL ACTIVITIES 2025-02-26T16:00:58+02:00 Editha COSARBA Torkos HENRIETTA <p>Outdoor education and non-formal activities represent<br>transformative approaches in modern pedagogy, significantly<br>shifting traditional teaching paradigms and fostering innovation<br>within educational systems. This brief research, explores the<br>multifaceted benefits of integrating outdoor learning experiences<br>into conventional educational frameworks. The study examines<br>how outdoor education stimulates cognitive, emotional, and<br>social development, thereby enhancing overall student<br>engagement and achievement. By relocating the classroom<br>environment to natural settings, educators can leverage the<br>inherent curiosity and enthusiasm students exhibit towards<br>nature, promoting experiential and inquiry-based learning. The<br>research highlights several key areas where outdoor education<br>drives innovation: curriculum design, instructional strategies,<br>and assessment methods. It underscores the importance of<br>curriculum flexibility to accommodate outdoor activities that<br>align with educational standards while fostering critical thinking<br>and problem-solving skills. The paper illustrates how innovative<br>instructional strategies, such as project-based learning and<br>interdisciplinary approaches, are effectively implemented in<br>outdoor settings, encouraging collaboration, creativity, and<br>deeper understanding of subject matter. Additionally, it<br>addresses how alternative assessment methods, focusing on<br>holistic and formative evaluation, provide a more comprehensive<br>measure of student learning and development. Case studies from<br>Romanian educational contexts are presented to demonstrate the<br>successful application of outdoor education and its impact on<br>student outcomes. These examples reveal that students not only<br>perform better academically but also develop essential life skills<br>such as resilience, adaptability, and environmental stewardship.<br>The paper also discusses the challenges and barriers to<br>implementing outdoor education in the Romanian formal<br>educational system, including logistical, financial, and safety<br>concerns, and proposes practical solutions to overcome these<br>obstacles. The paper advocates for a paradigm shift towards<br>incorporating outdoor education as a core component of the<br>educational experience. It argues that by embracing the natural<br>environment as an extension of the classroom, educators can<br>cultivate a more dynamic, engaging, and innovative learning<br>experience. This transformation has the potential to revolutionize<br>students to thrive in an increasingly complex and interconnected<br>world. The findings emphasize the need for ongoing research and<br>policy support to sustain and expand outdoor education<br>initiatives, ensuring that all students have the opportunity to<br>benefit from this enriching educational approach.</p> 2025-03-13T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Editha Cosarba; Torkos Henrietta SOCIAL INTEGRATION OF PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES 2025-02-26T16:06:07+02:00 Anita Larisa MARIS Mihaela GAVRILA-ARDELEAN <p>Social expulsion of people with disabilities represents a<br>problem that is very frequently met in society, impairing their<br>optimal attendance in the activities of the society in which they<br>reside. According to speciality studies, to be a disabled person<br>equates to isolation, discrimination, vulnerability and abuse<br>aimed at their identity and self esteem (Glavan, 2020). The main<br>objective of any integrative activity is represented by a total<br>inclusion of handicaped people. To reach that goal, it is<br>necessary to resolve the social rejection received from society.</p> 2025-03-13T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2025 ANITA LARISA MARIS EXPLORING THE TOPIC OF SCHOOL DROPOUT. NARRATIVE REVIEW OF ACADEMIC LITERATURE 2025-02-26T16:09:38+02:00 Rahela Anemona BAN Alina COSTIN <p>School dropout is a significant problem area in many<br>European countries, including Romania, with serious economic,<br>social and educational implications (Gorghiu, et al., 2020; Popeducational<br>policies in the EU and Romania<br>that prevent school dropout. We used the ERIC and Google<br>Scholar search engines using the key terms school dropout,<br>policies, school dropout prevention. 21 articles were selected<br>and included in the narrative review. The study aims to identify<br>the determinants of school dropout and evaluate the measures<br>implemented to prevent it. The results indicate that policies that<br>include integrated measures, involving families, schools and<br>communities, are the most effective in preventing school dropout<br>(Sahin, Arseven, 2016).</p> 2025-03-13T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Rahela Anemona, Alina Costin ASSESSMENT OF TEACHERS' METACOGNITIVE AWARENESS. VALIDATION AND APPLICATION OF METHODOLOGICAL TOOLS, IMPLICATIONS FOR PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 2025-02-26T16:13:46+02:00 Claudia Irina ALDEA <p>The article presents methodological research in the field of<br>metacognition, centered on the pre-testing and validation of a<br>research instrument that will be applied in a cross-sectional<br>study on teacher needs analysis. The training needs analysis is a<br>part of the research of the doctoral dissertation "Development of<br>metacognitive skills of primary and pre-school teachers". Given<br>that in this research we intend to measure the level of<br>metacognitive awareness of teachers in relation to their<br>professional development and in order to approach the elements<br>of metacognition in a unified way, we considered it useful to<br>adapt two commonly used instruments for this purpose: the<br>metacognitive awareness inventory for teachers, after<br>Balcikanli, and the metacognitive awareness inventory for<br>adults, after Schraw and Dennison. These instruments were pretested<br>on a total of 195 primary and pre-school teachers. In this<br>article, we present the research background, the process and<br>results of the pretesting of the Adult Metacognitive Awareness<br>Inventory -MAI (Schraw and Dennison,1994), which was<br>adapted and developed according to the aims and context of the<br>doctoral research The variables of the methodological research<br>were defined and correlated according to the answers regarding:<br>a) significant differences between the factors influencing the<br>level of metacognitive awareness; b) obtaining positive and<br>significant correlations between the factors and the dimensions<br>of the MAI inventory. The obtained results were grouped in three<br>parts represented by: a) item descriptive statistics; b) results of<br>confirmatory factor analysis; c) descriptive analyses on<br>metacognition dimensions and elements of inferential intergroup<br>statistics. In this article, the results of the pretesting of the MAI<br>inventory by means of inferential statistics are presented in<br>detail. The statistical analyses confirm the validity of the adapted<br>instrument, according to the metacognitive awareness inventory<br>for adults - MAI (Schraw and Dennison, 1994), by its internal<br>consistency and its relevance in assessing the level of<br>metacognitive awareness of the subjects in the group of teachers<br>selected for the doctoral research.</p> 2025-03-13T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Claudia Irina Aldea USING COMICS AS A TOOL FOR DEVELOPING IMAGE COMPREHENSION AND LITERACY IN PRIMARY SCHOOL 2025-02-26T16:21:22+02:00 Elena-Maria MICLEA <p>The study documents from the perspective of literature review<br>on the concepts of literacy, multimodal text, comics, and image<br>interpretation. The education in our country has implemented a<br>series of reforms emphasizing the training of students, the<br>interest shifting from teaching to learning, with the student at the<br>center of attention as the main actor of the educational act.<br>Major changes were made in education policy, reorganizing<br>both the education system and the national curriculum. A new<br>term we find in the new curricula is multimodal text content, and<br>this rethought content helps to develop literacy.<br>Literacy is a new term in the literature and especially in our<br>country, it does not only refer to the ability to read and write, it<br>is much more than that; literacy also includes the skills<br>associated with understanding, interpreting and using written<br>information effectively in different contexts. For primary school<br>students, mutimodal text is beneficial because it fulfills several<br>functions simultaneously: informing, persuading, entertaining or<br>educating. Cu ajutorul benzilor desenate se dezvolta: abilitatile<br>de interpretare a unei imagini, imbunatatirea gandirii critice,<br>invatarea permanenta, comunicarea eficienta si nu in ultimul<br>rand, adaptabilitatea. Comics are a tool that plays a significant<br>role in the development of imagination, free expression and<br>understanding of images, all of which contribute to the<br>development of literacy by forming critical and competent<br>readers and communicators. Through the interaction between<br>literacy and multimodal text, a deeper and more nuanced<br>understanding of information is promoted, which is essential for<br>active and informed participation in contemporary society.</p> 2025-03-13T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Elena-Maria TATAR INNOVATIVE APPROACHES TO STIMULATING INTEREST IN READING 2025-02-26T16:25:06+02:00 Dana DUGHI Bianca Pascu PAUL Bianca GRINDEANU <p>This study explores innovative methods to stimulate<br>primary school students' interest in reading, emphasizing<br>non-formal educational approaches. The research was<br>conducted over six months at "Aron Cotrus" Junior High<br>School in Arad, involving an experimental and a control<br>group. Various strategies, including literary cafés, book<br>review competitions, and interactive reading activities,<br>were tested. The findings highlight that non-formal<br>methods significantly enhance students' engagement,<br>reading skills, and overall enthusiasm for books.<br>Additionally, teachers involved in implementing these<br>approaches reported positive changes in their<br>instructional strategies and student motivation. The study<br>concludes that integrating non-formal reading<br>techniques into the curriculum fosters a positive reading<br>culture and improves educational outcomes.</p> 2025-03-13T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Dana DUGHI, Bianca Pascu Paul, Bianca Grindeanu HOW PRESCHOOL CHILDREN SPEND THEIR FREE TIME 2025-02-26T16:28:01+02:00 Daciana LUPU <p>The research aimed to analyze how preschool<br>children spend their free time. Three research objectives<br>were outlined: identifying parents' perceptions of<br>preschoolers' free time, analyzing the locations where<br>preschool children spend their free time, and identifying<br>leisure activities for preschoolers, including analyzing<br>the gender perspective in choosing leisure options. The<br>participant group comprised 130 subjects, parents of<br>preschool children, who responded to a questionnaire.<br>The most selected leisure options for children were as<br>follows: "playgrounds equipped for children" (M=3.69;<br>SD=.703), "parks" in general (M=3.55; SD=1.086), and<br>"puppet theaters/places where children’s shows are held"<br>(M=2.90 SD=.939). Preferred free-time activities with<br>parents include: "playing various games with the child"<br>(M=4.30; SD=.920), "going outside to play with other<br>children" (M=4.18; SD=.952), and "taking walks or<br>going out in nature" (M=4.11 SD=.990). Outdoor<br>activities are favored by preschool children, regardless<br>of gender, while indoor activities complement these.</p> 2025-03-13T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Lupu DACIANA