Research Institutes and centers
AVU Institutes
1. The Institute for research, development and innovation in natural and technical sciences
- Director: Prof. PhD. Lucian Octav COPOLOVICI
- E-mail:
The Institute for Research, Development and Innovation in Natural and Technical Sciences (ICDISTN) has been established to address several areas of interest (materials, products and processes, environment, agriculture, health, food products security). ICDISTN includes two research centers: The Centre for Research in Technical and Natural Sciences (established mainly with EU financial aid – Project POSCCE 621/2014) and “Intelligent Systems” Research Centre.
ICDISTN`s main objective is to promote research in the field of natural sciences covering themes such as advanced materials, environmental sciences, biology, biochemistry, analytical chemistry, mathematics and food processing technology. ICDISTN`s research-development strategy prioritizes aiding teaching staff members in applying for international and national projects, offering consultancy services, participating in scientific congresses and applying its patents for various technologies and products.
ICDISTN`s equipment base places it amongst the most modern domestic labs and includes a QTOF MS device with a unique ion mobility system, a GCGCMSMS with a thermodesorption system, a UHPLC-MSMS system (all of these unavailable domestically), a microscopy lab (which includes AFM-RAMAN, SEM and TEM capabilities), as well as other labs for sample extraction and preparation.
2. Research Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences
- Director: Lect. PhD. Petra-Melitta SAVA
- E-mail:
The Research Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences (ICSSU) is an integral part of AVU, operating in the area of fundamental and applied research pertaining to economics and socio-humanistic studies.
ICSSU`s research mission is that of contributing, sustaining and developing: applied scientific research, innovation and knowledge transfer so as to create a Romanian society of plenty, of a knowledge-based society with a significant European culture; additionally, it aims to develop the HR base involved in research in one of the following domains: economics, social, communication, European studies, foreign languages, Romanian language and literature.
Research within the institute emphasizes: knowledge generation; innovation; developing innovative solutions and their transfer towards the business environment; knowledge transmission through education and professional development; knowledge dissemination by way of IT means; a close collaboration with the business environment and stakeholders.
Within a knowledge-based society governed by 4 verbs (to generate, to transmit, to disseminate and to capitalize), the institute aims to further a new organizational culture based on a sense of reality, acceptance of consequences and chiefly, on generating plus value.
ICSSU promotes the following scientific research value sets: professionalism and ethical conduct, scientific freedom, research proficiency expressed by disseminating results in national and international journals, as well as developing products with real economic and social value.
General objectives: starting applied and fundamental research projects, developing applied research projects for small and medium enterprises without research departments, acquiring research related material assets; capitalizing on research results by way of various community-related dissemination methods; technological transfers, articles, patents, collective journal articles and other specific results; establishing and strengthening scientific ties with other foreign and domestic universities and research institutes; ICSSU`s inclusion in the European circuit of scientific value generators, mathematical modeling of economic phenomena and designing IT systems that implement these models; attracting more higher education teaching staff members as well as collaborators from other areas of activity in research projects; offering consultancy services in finances, management enhancement, sectorial studies, information economics, etc.; conducting activities centered on relevant economic topics that would involve undergraduate as well as MA students; providing consultancy services and conducting studies in the following areas: economic, social and humanities.
3. "Serge Moscovici" European Institute
- Director: Prof. PhD. Lavinia Betea
- E-mail:
The "Serge Moscovici" European Institute (IESM) is an academic entity designed to promote European culture - with an emphasis on French cultural values - in addition to international cooperation. IESM is interested in promoting EU`s values and objectives within the academic community. The institute aims to: become an integral part of the French cultural network within Romania and Central and Eastern Europe; support French as a main EU communication language, by offering courses and documentation materials pertaining to the touristic, historic and cultural highlight of EU francophone states; assist interdisciplinary and intercultural research activities; to establish a functional cooperation framework between Western-Eastern and Central European researchers regarding topics of common interest in the spirit of democracy, multiculturality and European citizenship; contribute to the creation of a network of specialists and researchers in order to access international research and communication projects; to ensure an efficient collaboration process between AVU research Centres and faculties and other foreign and domestic institutions.
A major IESM and institutional objective has been achieved in 2017, by AVU joining the Francophone University Agency (AUF).
4. The Technology Business Incubator (ITA)
- Director: Lect. PhD. Grigorie SANDA
- E-mail:
The Technology Business Incubator (ITA) was designed to promote, support and develop AVU`s institutional capacity, as well as to capitalize upon research results and improve the university`s entrepreneurial capabilities.
As a sign of recognition for ITA`s outstanding scientific research results, the business incubator has been elected to AroTT`s (Romanian Association for Technology Transfer and Innovation) managerial structure; AroTT is a professional, nonprofit NGO dedicated to business innovations and technological transfers. ITA`s director has been nominated as one of the three regional vice-presidents for AroTT during the Bucharest International Fair.
Center for Technological Information and Technology Transfer
- Director: CS I Conf. univ. dr. Cecilia SÎRGHIE
- E-mail:
Center for Applied Ethics Studies
Coordinator: Lect. Dr. Maria Sinaci
Center for Applied Ethics Studies (CSEA)
The Center for Applied Ethics Studies (CSEA) functions as a research center within the structure of "Aurel Vlaicu" University. It is comprised of an interdisciplinary group of researchers and university faculty who combine theoretical and applied research to address complex ethical issues facing today’s world. CSEA operates as an inclusive community, encouraging students, master’s, and doctoral candidates to participate in the Center's activities, providing them with opportunities to develop ethical and research competencies.
CSEA’s mission is to promote applied ethics research and stimulate broader public debate on a variety of current topics with significant ethical dimensions. The research program’s objectives include interdisciplinary approaches, increasing awareness of ethical values, and encouraging critical thinking on ethical concerns in contemporary society. Another objective is to bridge university research in applied ethics with the socio-economic environment.
The theoretical and practical interests of CSEA members and external collaborators span the following research areas: business ethics, applied ethics in psychology, neuroethics, environmental ethics, media ethics, professional ethics, artificial intelligence ethics, and bioethics.
To achieve its objectives, CSEA organizes symposia, conferences, and workshops, conducts research projects on specific themes, and offers specialized courses for faculty and students. CSEA supports and encourages the publication of research findings in collective volumes and/or specialized journals in Romania and internationally. Collaboration with other ethics centers both domestically and abroad is a priority for CSEA.
Institutul de Studii Geopolitice (IGS-UAV)
5. Institutul de Studii Geopolitice (IGS-UAV)
Director: Prof. Dr. Bogdan Vukosavljević
Institutul de Studii Geopolitice (IGS-UAV) al Universității „Aurel Vlaicu” din Arad promovează cercetarea interdisciplinară a domeniilor: geopolitică, relații internaționale, drept economie, cultură, istorie, antropologie, demografie și religie, cu scopul de a contribui la dezvoltarea societății la nivel global.
Scopul Institutului este de a oferi perspective de specialitate și soluții inovatoare la provocările globale contemporane.
Activitățile Institutului
• Organizarea de seminarii, prelegeri și conferințe internaționale.
• Găzduirea forumurilor regionale și globale pentru dialog și cooperare.
• Inițierea unor acorduri de colaborare cu universități, institute de cercetare și alte organisme educaționale din întreaga lume.
• Activități analitice și consultative.
Ne propunem ca prin activitatea acestui institut:
- să promovăm excelența în cercetarea și educația geopolitică la nivel regional și internațional
- să oferim o perspectivă academică, actuală și bine documentată asupra temelor geopolitice
- să facilităm crearea unei rețele de cercetare între institute și universități de prestigiu
- să cooptăm în calitate de parteneri personalități importante ale lumii politice, sociale și religioase internaționale.
- să oferim expertiză și suport instituțiilor publice și sociale în domeniile care fac obiectul cercetării acestui institut.
Informații de contact
Institutul de Studii Geopolitice (IGS-UAV)
Universitatea „Aurel Vlaicu” din Arad, România
Tel: +40 765 796781
Institutionally accredited research centers
Research Centre for Technical and Natural Sciences
- Coordinator: Assoc. Prof. PhD. Cecilia SÎRGHIE
- E-mail:
The Research Centre for Technical and Natural Sciences (CESTN), developed mainly with the aid of EU financial support – Project POSCCE 621/2014, is part of the Institute for Research, Development and Innovation in Technical and Natural Sciences.
CESTN`s general objective is to advance the university’s research-development- innovation material asset base in order to afford the opportunity to access several new priority areas (materials, innovative products and processes, health, environment, agriculture, food safety) in addition to the already existing ones (materials, innovative products and processes, health).
CESTN`s specific objectives are:
- updating and advancing the center’s research-development-innovation material asset base so as to cover more priority research areas. By refurbishing the already available labs and opening new ones, the center aims to reorganize and increase its productivity with the aim of offering increased and more varied research services in partnership with the economic environment through national and international projects.
- providing a high standard research environment with latest generation technical equipment so as to ensure all circumstances for implementing complex research activities.
Faculty of Engineering
"Florin Vălu" Research Centre
- Coordinator: Prof. univ. dr. Ionel BARBU
- E-mail:
The "Florin Vălu" Research Centre (CCFV) is hosted by AVU`s Faculty of Engineering. Some of its strategic objectives include: gathering high level specialists and material resources for the researched scientific areas; focusing its activities on research priorities and objectives included in the EU framework of scientific research. The center employs the services of teaching staff members, researchers, PhD as well as undergraduate and MA students.
Some of the specific objectives include: research and highly complex technological development activities that focus on fundamental, applied and competitive research; increasing the performance level of scientific research activities conducted within the center; developing new long term partnerships; a balanced adjustment of the center’s activities and research capabilities; a coherent development of the available research base; research center’s integration so as to become a reference point for the approached scientific areas.
The center conducts research (in accord with EU programmes) in the following areas: nanoscience, nanotechnologies, production materials and processes – aiming to develop a knowledge based industry; climate changes – aiming for an efficient administration of natural resources as well as for a decrease in the negative impact of economic activities on the climate and environment.
“Intelligent Systems” Research Center
- Coordinator: Prof. PhD. Valentina Emilia BĂLAȘ
- E-mail:
The “Intelligent Systems” Research Centre (CCSI) is an AVU research unit, established for attaining academic excellence in particular research areas. The center employs the services of teaching staff members, researchers as well as undergraduate, MA and PhD students.
The center’s fundamental research area is Automations and Intelligent Systems; additionally, it conducts researches in the following areas: systems theory, automated systems, modeling and simulation, intelligent systems and circuits (definitive research area); computational intelligence; intelligent transportation systems; artificial pancreas, renewable energy.
The center’s aim is to conduct research activities, to attain scientific excellence and to offer support in university and post-university academic training pertaining to its areas of expertise; to establish itself on a national and international level as a research center.
The center will benefit its members by offering joint projects, programme exchanges, shared publications and EU grant proposals with other countries. The center shall also facilitate the access of its industrial partners to new technologies in addition to providing new applications and services. CCSI functions in accord with EU ethical norms as well as ISO management practices.
Mechanical Engineering Research Center
- Coordinator: Prof. PhD. Virgil Florin DUMA
- E-mail:
The center has been established in 2008 by Prof. PhD. Virgil Duma based on an IDEI type project and subsequently developed with the aid of a UEFISCDI financed PARTENERIATE project. Since its inception, the center`s director, Prof. Duma has accessed funding in excess of 2 M euros. Although MERC mainly conducts researches related to optomechatronic systems with industrial and biomedical applications, the center`s main area of interest is Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT). Optical devices such as laser scanners, choppers, attenuators etc., are researched from a theoretical and applied perspective; new solutions are being developed- both macroscopic and Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS). An important photonics hub is under development with our main partners: SC Inteliform SRL Timisoara and Victor Babes University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Timisoara. Our researches include the following international collaborators: Applied Optics Group, Univ. of Kent (UK) for OCT, Nanotechnology Lab, CUNY, NY (USA) for MEMS and The Institute of Optics, Univ. of Rochester, NY (#1 in the US for optics) for optical engineering.
Faculty of Food Engineering, Tourism and Environmental Protection
Chemical Technology Research Center
- Coordinator: Prof. PhD. Eng. Dorina Rodica CHAMBRE
- E-mail:
The Chemical Technology Research Center (CCCT) - hosted by AVU`s Faculty of Food Engineering, Tourism and Environmental Protection -, conducts research in the fields of food and environmental sciences, having the following subareas of interest: physical chemistry research techniques, food products related technologies and quality assurance, industrial biotechnologies and environmental protection. The center employs the services of teaching staff members, researchers as well as undergraduate, MA and PhD students.
Some of the center’s research themes include: designing analysis methods for food product specific organic compounds, the analysis of volatile flavors in wines, enzyme treatments for improving fruit juices` quality, using mass spectrometry and differential mass spectrometry in monitoring food products` technologies and biotechnologies, textiles, pollution and human health, biosensors, textiles, food products used in treating B1, B2 and B6 hypovitaminosis, new methods for creating ecologic wine products, the thermic stability of lipid food systems, the thermal oxidation breakdown of food products, MS method characterizations - chip-based nano-electrospray – bio-organic systems, microbiology studies, consumer protection, etc.
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Center for Modern Languages
- Coordinator: Assoc. Prof. PhD. Voica Radu
- E-mail:
The Center for Modern Languages (CLM) is hosted by AVU`s Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences; it provides an organizational and institutional framework for the following specific, research activities: linguistic and intercultural research; courses in the area of foreign languages/Romanian as a foreign language; foreign language knowledge certification; various linguistic and translation-interpretation services. The center employs the services of teaching staff members, researchers, PhD as well as undergraduate and MA students.
CLM aims to establish an institutional and organizational framework that affords cooperation amongst philologists, a place where they can capitalize upon their knowledge and competencies and improve their didactic and research methods, techniques and procedures. CLM facilitates the cooperation of teaching staff members, researchers and students with universities (foreign and domestic) that share the center’s interests. AT the same time, CLM functions as a forum for the validation of innovative ideas and new research results by hosting scientific events with regional, national and international participation.
CLM encourages the involvement of its members in the scientific research results dissemination process, by aiding their publication (i.e. research results) in internationally and nationally recognized prestigious publications.
Scientific research activities in the area of foreign languages and intercultural studies, as well as associated developmental processes (didactic, specializations etc.) are accomplished by: involvement in accessing regional, national and international grants or projects; research pertaining to the didactic aspects of teaching Romanian as a foreign language; various services pertaining to elaborating documents in foreign languages and Romanian; researching intercultural and interlinguistic communication; other associated activities.
7. Ars Theologica Research Center
- Coordonator: Prof. univ. dr.hab. Marcel Valentin MĂCELARU
- E-mail:
Centre for Intercultural and Inter-Confessional Studies
- Coordinator: Prof. PhD. Marcel Valentin MĂCELARU
- E-mail:
The Centre for Intercultural and Inter-Confessional Studies (CSII) is hosted by AVU`s Faculty of Humanities and Social Studies; it is an interdisciplinary scientific research entity, involved in intercultural and inter-confessional studies. The center employs the services of teaching staff members, researchers, PhD as well as undergraduate and MA students.
The center`s main objectives are: ensuring a space for the academic development of intercultural and inter-confessional relations in European multicultural countries; training undergraduate, MA, PhD students and younger members of the teaching staff in order to develop their research aptitudes and skills in applied linguistics, pedagogy, arts and sociology so as to serve an intercultural dialogue on local, national and international levels; dissemination of intercultural dialogue good practices at a regional and national level for the benefit of state institutions with responsibilities in the field of European harmonization; supporting scientific research dissemination in order to meet contemporary social needs and eliminate cultural, social and economic inequalities; national and international level promotion and dissemination of scientific research results by way of conferences, symposiums, workshops and academic journals; promoting a creative critical discourse that addresses the shortcomings of today's society, shortcomings that lead to the marginalization of certain categories of citizens and ethnic groups; supporting Romania`s European full integration with regards to higher education and scientific research; providing scientific, technical and community level support for the Romanian industrial sector in order to increase the competitiveness of the services provided; dissemination of research results in the afore mentioned areas of interest by way of continuing professional development and postgraduate education, in accord with the labor market`s requirements.
Faculty of Economics
Center for Economic Research and Consultancy
- Coordinator: Conf. PhD. Lavinia CUC
- E-mail:
The Center for Economic Research and Consultancy (CCCE) is hosted by AVU`s Faculty of Economics. The center promotes fundamental and applied researches in the field of economic sciences, emphasizing an interdisciplinary approach towards national and international topics of economic interest, and on developing partnerships with the business environment. The center employs the services of teaching staff members, researchers, PhD as well as undergraduate and MA students, in addition to representatives of the business environment.
CCCE`s main research areas include: European business strategies, entrepreneurship, international affairs, accounting -theory and practice, financial management and analysis, the insurance and reinsurance market, fiscal policies, regional development policies, budgetary policies and strategies, tourism and services, macroeconomics, economic statistics etc.
The center`s main objectives are: contributing to scientific research in the field of economics, training younger members of the teaching staff, undergraduate and MA students in order to stimulate their aptitudes and skills related to applied and theoretical scientific research; promoting interdisciplinary research as a productive way to disseminate results with the aid of major national and international publishing houses; providing continuing professional development services in accord with the labor market`s requirements.
“Ilarion V. Felea” Faculty of Orthodox Theology
Center for Theological-Historical Studies and Pastoral - Missionary Prognosis
- Coordinator: Priest Lect. PhD. Filip George ALBU
- E-mail:
The Center for Theological-Historical Studies and Pastoral – Missionary Prognosis (CSTIPPM) is hosted by AVU`s Faculty of Orthodox Theology. The research center aims to: provide a scientific research platform for the faculty`s teaching staff and students; to initiate research projects based on propositions made by the Romanian Patriarchate; to identify the pastoral-missionary problems faced by clerics and to aid their solutioning by forwarding answers and resolutions for all the faced difficulties; to ensure a proper environment for developing partnerships with other national and international theology faculties; to contribute to the dissemination of religious knowledge by hosting thematic conferences. The center employs the services of teaching staff members, researchers, PhD as well as undergraduate and MA students.
The center hosts meetings between the faculty`s teaching staff members and prestigious foreign and domestic guests twice a year, subsequently publishing a conference volume dedicated to the discussions held during said period.
Faculty of Exact Sciences
“Mathematical Models and Information Systems” Research Center
- Coordinator: Prof. PhD. Valeriu BEIU
- E-mail:
The “Mathematical Models and Information Systems” Research Center (CCMMSI) is hosted by AVU`s Faculty of Exact Sciences; the center is an interdisciplinary scientific research and technological development entity that employs the services of teaching staff members, researchers, PhD as well as undergraduate and MA students who prove scientific interest in the fields of mathematics, physics, IT and communication/information technologies.
CCMMSI`s mission is to conduct interdisciplinary, fundamental and applied research activities in the area of mathematical modeling and information systems. Its objectives are: joining efforts in order to obtain valuable research results; highlighting the existence of a research entity able to collaborate with both the scientific and the socio-economic environment; developing strong partnerships with researchers and research institutes, both domestic and foreign.
The center`s main research areas are: mathematics and computational logic; operational research; ant colony optimization; differential equations related problems; stochastic processes; probabilistic reasoning, numerical methods, neural networks, fuzzy systems, fuzzy logic etc.
CCMMSI aims to: train younger teaching staff members as well as undergraduate and MA students in order to stimulate their aptitudes and skills related to applied and theoretical scientific research, innovation and information systems development in diverse areas such as economics, industry, medicine, education, governance etc.; contribute to scientific researches in the field of computer aided management ; discover new solutions to AI automatic process management and expert systems; results dissemination by participating in national and international symposiums, workshops and conferences; supporting Romania’s EU educational integration; offering scientific support for the Romanian industrial sector in order to increase the competitiveness of the services provided; disseminating research results by providing continuing professional development services in accord with the labor market`s requirements.
Research results are capitalized upon by: publishing articles in ISI Journals, participating in national and international symposiums/conferences, in national and international research-development programmes, writing specialty books/chapters to be published with significant publishing houses.
Faculty of Educational Sciences, Psychology and Social Work
Research Center in Socio- Psychopedagogy
- Coordinator: Asoc.Prof.PhD. Evelina Cornelia BALAȘ
- E-mail:
The Research Center in Socio- Psychopedagogy (CCSP) is hosted by AVU`s Faculty of Educational Sciences, Psychology and Social Work. The center promotes professional excellency by means of applied research conducted in the field of educational sciences, psychology and social work with inter and intradisciplinary accents; amongst its objectives: developing research projects adapted to significant issues within the area of educational sciences, psychology and social work, by relying on a well conceptualized theoretical framework; establishing new paradigms within the field of professional development; writing rigorous scientific studies able to generate added value and open new research paths in accord with professional ethics standards; opening up the research team for students, pre-university teaching staff members as well as for all individuals involved with children in need of social/educational assistance. The center employs the services of teaching staff members, researchers, PhD as well as undergraduate and MA students.
The center`s strategy is to assist its members` continuous professional and personal development with the aim of internationalizing research results and stimulating Horizons 2020 programme participation, attracting funding by applying to various national and international calls, implementing research results in the teaching process, publishing journal articles; contracting educational and social services based on research results.
CCSP`s main areas of research: metacognition; e-learning; psychological counseling; occupational health; socio-professional integration etc.
The center’s activities are focused on: building research teams around each of the center’s main areas of interest: educational sciences, psychology and social work; hosting yearly scientific sessions for students and teaching staff members alike; participating in AVU`s international symposium “Research and Education in an Innovation Era”; involvement in the faculty’s two journals: “Plus Education” (quarterly, since 2001, psychopedagogy) and ”Agora Psihopragmatic” (quarterly, since 2006, special psychopedagogy and social work); promoting CCSP participation in national and international projects (for example: „Protecţia copilului – de la teorie la practică (PractiPass)”; ”Plays, Toy and Culture”; “Studentul consiliat-excelent viitor angajat!”; „The suitcase, the map and the voyage of the youth worker”; „Consumer Classroom”; ”SPSM - Angajabilitate în Europa - Sănătate publică și sănătate mintală: nevoi urgente de formare, integrare socială, angajabilitate”; "What Really Matters (WRM)”; ”TuTo”); endorsing CCPS members` participation in domestic and foreign symposiums, conferences etc.
Center of Research Development and Innovation in Psychology
- Coordinator: Conf. univ. dr. Dana RAD
- E-mail:;
Center of Research Development and Innovation in Psychology is based at the Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad and conducts research on the relationship between digital media use and quality of life, since January 2021. The center works with an interdisciplinary approach, including and collaborating with educational scientists, sociologists, engineers, and economists.
Our major research emphasis is on digital wellbeing, which we define as a state in which subjective wellbeing is maintained in a world dominated by digital communication. Individuals who are in a state of digital wellbeing are able to direct their digital media consumption toward a sense of comfort, safety, pleasure, and fulfillment. These circumstances are favored by both unique people' abilities and the socio-cultural environment in which they reside. In light of this viewpoint, we consider the harmonic balance between the benefits and drawbacks of digital media use, as well as how to improve people's capacity to use technology to reach their full potential in life.
Our research-to-action programs work in two ways. First, we look at how individuals utilize digital media and how it affects their subjective well-being. Second, we create and test solutions to help people enhance their digital well-being.
Every year we organize the International Conference Theories of Change in Digital Wellbeing, enjoying the recognition of the Romanian College of Psychologists. Papers presented in previous TCDW Conference (2020 and 2021) have been published as articles in WOS indexed journals and book chapters recognized by UEFISCDI as A1 category.
Faculty of Physical Education and Sport
Research Center for Physical Activities
- Coordinator: Lect. PhD. Viorel-Petru ARDELEAN
- E-mail:
The Research Center for Physical Activities (CCAF) is hosted by AVU`s Faculty of Physical Education and Sport; it aims to promote intra and interdisciplinary field related scientific research. It is designed as a platform for sports related research, having the following dub-domains: physical education, professional sports, sport psychology and training equipment. The center employs the services of teaching staff members, researchers, PhD as well as undergraduate and MA students.
CCAF`s amenities afford the following options: anthropometric measurements, motric and functional assessments, determining the state of one`s physical condition etc. The center hosts annual national and international workshops and symposiums. Research results are published in various international and national conference volumes (Romania, Serb Republic, Hungary etc.) or in the specialty academic journal “Arena - Journal of Physical Activities”. In order to popularize physical activities, CCAF became partner in several international events such as "Move Week", "Now We Move" and "Researchers' night".
Faculty of Design
Research Center in Design and Innovation Management
- Coordinator: Assoc. Prof. PhD. Lucia Gabriela CRISTEA
- E-mail:
The Research Center in Design and Innovation Management (CCDMI) is hosted by AVU`s Faculty of Design; it aims to promote a viable art and design related research culture in addition to evolving authentic, field related research practices. As a consequence, CCDMI`s research activity combines action and reflection, fuses theory with practice, following three main guidelines: art and design related research that investigates through the perspective of theories and methods specific to socio-humanities – conceptual design, art history, esthetics, sociology of art, economic sciences etc. -; investigating the artist’s reflection on materials used, the achieved experiences and activities accomplished within the artistic act; the methodological aspects of developing visual intelligence as an integral part of the teaching – learning process in arts; design and art specific research is characterized, according to Ch. Frayling, by the fact that the thought process (theme- hypothesis- method – result) is an integral part of the final product, which is not involved in the verbal communication of knowledge but rather with the imagistic, iconic and visual aspects of artistic creation. CCDMI employs the services of teaching staff members, researchers as well as undergraduate and MA students.
Research projects conducted within CCDMI are presented in exhibitions, workshops and other artistic events. These projects require a reflection process which is quite similar to the scientific one, since their quality is measurable through field specific indicators: number of reviews, number of visitors, museum/ art center/gallery prestige etc.