Academica men`s chorus in concert
2/8/2022Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad`s academic community has had the pleasure of a vocal and choral concert dedicated to national musical creations and performed by the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences` Academica men`s chorus conducted by Lect. PhD. Iulia Roman. Vocal performances: Lect. PhD Daniel Zah and Lect. PhD. Adrian Călin Boba, piano backing Angela Balici.
The programme included pieces by Nicolae Lungu, Anton Uncu, Emil Monția, Timotei Popovici, Achim Stoia, Dimitrie Bortneanschi, Tiberiu Brediceanu.
The event is part of the International Society for Musical Studies` RoCult Vest project, organized in partnership with the Romanian Academy- Timisoara Branch and Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad; the project was organized under the aegis of The Ministry Culture within a string of events dedicated to National Culture Day.
„It has been a pleasure to partake in this project by which we have tried, on one hand, to foster our children’s appetite for culture and traditions – by way of the programmes conducted within the two kindergartens included in the project- and, on the other hand, to afford our colleagues the joy of Romanian choral music. The project proved, yet again, that the initiative to develop a Music programme within the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences was well worth the effort. The results obtained during numerous field relevant competitions confirm the value of the didactic act”, declared Alina Pădurean, the faculty`s Dean and project coordinator on behalf of AVU.