History in the making at AVU
7/15/2022The first female awarded a PHD in Pentecostal theology.
AVU`s Interdisciplinary Doctoral school has just written a page of history!
On celebrating a century of Pentecostal Christian Faith in Romania, Ms Daniela Loghin (Meisaros) became the first woman to have successfully defended a PhD thesis in theology; the thesis entitled “The Discipline of Memorising the Scripture and its contribution to the common good” was supervised by Prof. Marcel Măcelaru.
„It is a moment that will last in AVU`s doctoral school`s memory. I am glad to offer my congratulations to the first female to successfully defend a PhD in Pentecostal theology and for her choosing our university to further her studies. At the same time, my appreciation goes out to all those who have defended their PHD theses and by way of their work have advanced theological knowledge” added AVU`s Rector, Ramona LILE.
For further details see: https://www.uav.ro/evenimente/la-uav-se-scrie-istorie