Ramona Lile „Prestigious researchers awarded AVU`s Doctor Honoris Causa title”
11/21/2022The event took place during the 10th edition of the AVU organized SOFA International Conference.
Two renowned European researchers have become members of Aurel Vlaicu University`s academic community after being awarded with the high academic distinction of Doctor Honoris Causa. The award recipients are the renowned mathematician, Acad. Janusz Kacprzyk from Poland and the Belgian Academician and neuroscientist Marc Van Hulle.
The award ceremony was attended by AVU`s scientific community as well as by SOFA conference attendees; the conference takes place between the 21-23 of November attracting numerous specialists and university professors in the fields of soft computing, neuroscience, computational intelligence, fuzzy logic, database querying etc.
„It is an honour for our university to welcome within its academic community two outstanding European level scientific personalities that will afford AVU added visibility” remarked AVU Rector, Ramona Lile.