Ramona Lile: „The visit to Seoul increased AVU`s international visibility”
11/3/2022„Aurel Vlaicu” University of Arad promoted its educational offer at the Seoul Educational Fair.
Arad`s public university delegation comprised of the institution`s Rector, Ramona LILE, as well as vice-rectors Alexandru Popa and Teodor Cilan, who took part in the International Education Fair held in Republic of Coreea’s capital; a definite opportunity for AVU to extend its liaisons and cooperation agreements in the Asian world.
AVU`s delegation had meetings with businessmen and representatives from institutions of higher education as well as the Romanian embassy in Seoul.
„We had the opportunity to visit Incheon National University, a dynamic university in full development, located in Seoul. The meeting with the university`s president, Mr. Park Jong Tae reaffirmed the desire to develop a bilateral agreement with our university. We have already signed an Agreement Memorandum as well an Erasmus agreement which will afford a framework for academic mobilities. It is a first step, which we firmly believe, to lead towards a long and fruitful collaboration.
We would also like to thank the Romanian Embassy in Seoul for their support, especially Mrs. Claudia Fifea, economic counselor, with whom we had a meeting during our visit” declared AVU`s Rector, Ramona Lile.