AVU Student symposium
10/14/2020AVU`s Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences will host the “Culture. Education. Society” student symposium. The five conference sections dedicated to music, philology, communication, public administration and theology have enjoyed a substantial amount of interest from students across several national universities. Undergraduate and graduate students from the National Music Academy „Gheorghe Dima” from Cluj Napoca, Aurel Vlaicu” University of Arad, Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași and the University of Oradea have submitted and presented conference papers.
“I would like to congratulate my colleagues from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, who under the circumstances dictated by the SARS COV2 pandemic, have managed to organize this student symposium while abiding by all safety rules imposed by the authorities. I believe that it is an important event for both us, members of the teaching staff, as well as for the students, for it allows the continuation of work, even if online, towards acquiring and disseminating information and knowledge.
Only so will be able to overcome this period and also upkeep the quality of the provided educational act” added AVU`s Rector, Prof. PhD. Ramona LILE.
„Like with every previous occasion, we are happy to receive a high level of interest from students across university centers such as Cluj, Oradea and Iasi. This year, under rather special circumstances, we have decided to maintain the tradition and offer students a chance to present their papers, even if some of them had to do so online. The large number of submitted papers has proved that we have taken the right decision in organizing the event, and I firmly believe that their quality shall prove to be exceptional” declared the faculty`s Dean, Assoc. Prof. PhD. Alina Pădurean.