Trei nume celebre în sportul arădean, trei povești, trei oameni a căror viața se confundă cu pasiunea pentru sport i-au inspirat pe studenții UAV prezenți la evenimentul Facultății de Educație Fizică ...
morePedagogiile alternative au fost, timp de două zile, subiectul dezbaterilor inițiate de Facultatea de Științe ale Educației, Psihologie și Asistență Socială. Studenții facultății și elevi ai Colegiului...
moreDespre profesia de asistent social, despre piața muncii, despre rolul asistentului social în sprijinirea grupurilor vulnerabile, aflate în căutarea unui loc de muncă, s-a discutat în cadrul evenimentu...
moreCe facem cu deșeurile din construcții? O întrebare la care a răspuns comisarul șef al Comisariatului Județean Arad al Gărzii Naționale de Mediu, dna Viorica Graur, în cadrul unui workshop organizat de...
moreThe conference bringing together experts and specialists in the field of social work will be held at Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad, organized by the Association for Proactive Education in partners...
moreGreat news for Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad, its faculty, auxiliary teaching staff, non-teaching staff, students, and, of course, future students—coming from ARACIS. Following an institutional ...
moreAurel Vlaicu University of Arad (UAV) will carry out modernization works and equipment upgrades across seven faculties through the Regional Program West 2021-2027. Additionally, a new master's progra...
moreDr. Nistor Becia, the Honorary Consul of Romania in Wales, met last week with the Rector of Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Teodor Cilan, during an official visit to the university. ...
moreRenowned scholar Prof. Univ. Dr. Mihai Coman presented his latest book, 101 Concepts for Understanding the World’s Religions, at Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad (UAV), in an event organized by the F...
moreJoin Dr. Nistor Becia, Honorary Consul of Romania in Wales and Principal Psychologist at Swansea Bay University Health Board, UK, for an insightful discussion on psychology as a profession. Date: F...
moreThe European Parliament Liaison Office in Romania, in collaboration with Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad (UAV), is organizing a high-level debate on March 7, at 11:00 AM, in the Festive Hall of Comple...
moreMihai Coman, a pioneer of journalism and communication studies in Romania, will launch his latest book, "101 Concepts for Understanding World Religions", at Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad (UAV). Abo...
moreThe Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad (UAV) is part of the "Joined by Wine - Designing the Future" project, an Erasmus+ initiative aimed at creating a special wine tailored to young people's preference...
moreThe Institute of Geopolitical Studies at Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad (IGS-UAV), in collaboration with the European Research Institute for Strategic Studies (ERISS) in Ljubljana, announces the Glo...
moreThe Faculty of Orthodox Theology at Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad has inaugurated a series of church, academic, and cultural events dedicated to the Centennial of the Romanian Patriarchate and the ...
moreOn Saturday, January 25, 2025, Arad will become the center of innovation and technology as it hosts the city’s first Robotics League Meet, organized by the "Delta Force" team from the National Colleg...
moreRenowned in the fashion world and beloved by artists, film celebrities, and political figures, Ellis Fashion House has officially partnered with Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad (UAV). The Facultie...
moreThe Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad (UAV), through its Department for Teacher Training, is offering educators the opportunity for professional development with two postgraduate programs in Educational...
moreThe "Stimulating the Creativity of Young People in Arad in the Economic and Social Fields through Entrepreneurial Projects and Simulations" project, a long-standing initiative of Aurel Vlaicu Universi...
moreStudents, faculty members, and school psychologists are invited to attend the National Conference of Career Counselors on Friday, November 29, at 10:00 AM. The event will take place in Room 13 of t...