AVU institutional partner for the Soft Computing Applications Conference
11/19/2020The 9th edition of the SOFA Conference in the field of Soft Computing Applications will take place online, between the 27 th and 29 th of November. The conference, organized every 2 years in Arad, in partnership with Aurel Vlaicu University, brings together the most important names in the field of artificial intelligence.
This year`s edition announces participations from Romania, Hungary, Italy, France, Austria, Ireland, Poland, USA, China, Taiwan, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Argentina, India, Pakistan, Rwanda and Canada. The state university of Arad will be represented by Prof. PhD. Virgil Duma, Assoc. Prof. PhD. Dana Rad, Assoc. Prof. PhD. Vlad-Florin Drăgoi, Prof. PhD. Valeriu Beiu, Prof. PhD. Dominic Bucerzan and Assoc. Prof. PhD. Crina Anina Bejan.
Amongst the most important names hosted by the conference, we`d like to mention: Acad. Florin Gheorghe Filip (Romania), Acad. Janusz Kacprzyk (Poland), Prof. Moshe Y. Vardi(USA), Prof. Dumitru Baleanu (Turkey/Romania), Prof. Vincenzo Piuri (Italy), Prof. Anca L. Ralescu (USA), Prof. Dan A. Ralescu (USA) and Prof. Levente Kovács (Hungary).
“It is an honor for our university to be a partner in this event. For the academic community, as well for the city of Arad, this conference signifies a great achievement from the standpoint of knowledge acquisition as well from that of international visibility. The fact that AVU professors have been invited to the conference is, in itself, a certification for the quality of the scientific activities conducted within the institution” added AVU`s Rector, Prof. Phd. Ramona LILE.
“It is a special edition that will take place online due to the SARS COV2 pandemic, however, the most important fact is, that from a scientific standpoint, this edition is joined by a slew of important names in the field of AI, is endorsed by the Romanian Academy and I do believe that all participants shall provide new and interesting field related information” declared prof. PhD. Valentina Balaș, the event organizer.