AVU wins three research projects
1/8/2021Three AVU submitted research projects have been granted financing by the Executive Unit for Financing Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation (UEFISCDI), a legal entity under the Ministry of National Education. These projects, each receiving over 1 million RON in financing, are: “Tehnici de Proiectare Neconvențională în Co-domeniul Energie-Fiabilitate pentru Nano-Circuite” (coordinated by Prof. PhD. Beiu Valeriu), “Sisteme de scanare laser cu prisme Risley, cu aplicații în imagistica medicală și industrială utilizând Tomografia Optică de Coerență” (coordinated by Prof. PhD. Duma Virgil Florin) and “Impactul stresului abiotic și biotic asupra plantelor datorită schimbărilor climatice” (coordinated by Prof. PhD. Copolovici Lucian).
“Scientific research promotion is a priority within our university. We are very pleased that these three projects have been awarded UEFISCDI financing. I would like to congratulate the research teams for their results and wish them good luck with their future endeavors” declared AVU`s Rector, prof. PhD. Ramona LILE.