Festivity for the conferring of Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad`s Doctor Honoris Causa title
11/16/2022Friday 18th of November 2022, starting at 11.00 in the Senate Hall (Rector`s Office building), prof, PhD, habil. Contanta Popescu from Valahia University (Tirgoviste) will be awarded the high academic distinction of DHC.
The Laudation committee includes: Prof.PhD. DHC Maria Negreponti-Delivanis, University of Macedonia, Salonic, Greece, Prof. PhD. DHC Valeriu Ioan FRANC, Romanian Academy and Prof. PhD. Habil. Leonardo BADEA, Academy of Economic Sciences, Bucharest - vice-president of the National Bank.
The committee is presided by prof.PhD. Ioan Radu from „Aurel Vlaicu” University of Arad.