Lavinia Betea in dialogue with Virgil Măgureanu
2/13/2023AVU`s „Serge Moscovici” European Institute in collaboration with the National Union of Journalists (UZPR) -Arad Branch, the „A.D. Xenopol” County Library and Corina Bookstore invite you to partake in the „1989-Fețele schimbării” public debate, Wednesday , 15th of February, 14.00h - AVU headquarters, located on Bdul Revolutiei no.77.
Guests: prof. Lavinia Betea, prof.Virgil Măgureanu, first SRI director (1991-1997) and Valentin Voicilă, first director of CFSN and CPUN Arad.
For further details see: https://www.uav.ro/stiri/lavinia-betea-%C3%AEn-dialog-cu-virgil-m%C4%83gureanu