Recently, AVU hosted the first transnational meeting within the "Citizens reaching Nature through Orienteering (CNeering)," Erasmus+ Sports project carried out by three organizations: Pendik Municip...
moreThe meeting between Igor Șarov - Rector of the State University of Moldova-, and "Aurel Vlaicu" University of Arad`s Rector, Ramona Lile, laid the foundation for a new partnership with the Moldavian u...
moreÎn luna mai s-au derulat trei serii de curs pentru studenții UAV care au vrut să-și dezvolte competențele antreprenoriale, financiare și juridice. Din cei 84 de studenți înscriși 67 au finalizat cu su...
moreThe Faculty of Educational Sciences, Psychology, and Social Work will host the "Innovative Approaches towards Contemporary Trends in Education" international conference from June 6th to 7th. The open...
moreThe "Edu4Future" Association and "Aurel Vlaicu" University of Arad have launched "The Entrepreneurship Workshop" summer school - a blended learning entrepreneurial training programme, with the support...
moreStudents from the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj-Napoca, the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Bucharest, "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University...
moreAn Institutional Development Fund (FDI) project won by Aurel Vlaicu University`s Student Entrepreneurial Society (SAS), was hosted by the Faculty of Engineering. The first workshop, titled "Business ...
moreChallenges, abundant energy, creativity, and enthusiasm were the ingredients that transformed the project "Higher Technical Education in the Face of the Challenges of the New Industrial Revolution" in...
moreThe second edition of the Webasto Cup in table tennis, organized by AVU`s Faculty of Physical Education and Sports in collaboration with Webasto, took place in the university`s sports hall. "For th...
moreO nouă serie de cursuri destinate studenților UAV care sunt în ultimul an de studiu la licență, în cadrul proiectului „Învaţă să fii Antreprenor pentru Viitor! Îmbunătăţirea calităţii ofertelor educat...
moreWinners of the Caius Iacob international competition (13th edition) were awarded at "Aurel Vlaicu" University of Arad in a festive setting. In the presence of AVU`s Rector, Ramona Lile, the Deputy C...
moreThe story of a remarkable success that impressed the world and brought fame to our country was told at AVU by one of Romania's gymnastics legends: Emilia Eberle, the gymnast who made us proud to be Ro...
moreAurel Vlaicu University of Arad will host its Erasmus International Week event from May 22nd to the 26th. The event will be attended by academic and non-academic staff from several partner universit...
moreAthletes from AVU`s Faculty of Physical Education and Sport have qualified for the Final Tournament of the National University Football Championship. Fourteen teams representing ten university centers...
moreEmilia Eberle, a double silver medalist at the 1980 Olympic Games in Moscow and multiple gold medalist at the World and European Artistic Gymnastics Championships, will be in Arad by invitation of AVU...
moreWhat is the average income of a Romanian student? What are the general characteristics of a student who receives a scholarship? What proportion of students work during their studies, and how does it a...
moreThe 6th edition (May 12-13, 2023) of the University Sport Days Arad was hosted by Aurel Vlaicu University with financial support from the Ministry of Education. The event included participations from...
more30 de cadre didactice ale UAV au absolvit cursul „Organizarea și proiectarea unui curs online” derulat în cadrul proiectului „Învaţă să fii Antreprenor pentru Viitor! Îmbunătăţirea calităţii ofertelor...
moreO lecție demonstrativă, mulți studenți și profesori, multă pasiune pentru sport au fost ingredientele unui eveniment destinat pikeballului și tenisului organizat de Facultatea de Educație Fizică și Sp...