AVU Interdisciplinary Research and Specialized Practical Center for children


AVU`s Faculty of Educational Sciences, Psychology and Social Work will coordinate the activities of the Interdisciplinary Research and Specialized Practical Center dedicated to the education and prote...


Ramona Lile: „Aurel Vlaicu” University of Arad represented at the Geneva International Exhibition Of Inventions”


Two AVU teaching staff members are part of the local team of inventors that is to present its projects in Geneva at the end of April. Prof. PhD. Adriana Moțica and Prof. PhD. Radu Ioan from AVU`s Fa...


„Help us help them”, a campaign for those in need


A campaign close to the hearts of AVU students who each year get involved in helping out the poor. Coordinated by Assoc. Prof. Alina Breaz, young volunteers went to Timis County to deliver food, cloth...


Santa stopped by AVU!


It was a magical night for the children and grandsons of AVU employees; young ones have all gathered around and tried hard to impress Santa. And just to make sure, „Episcop Ioan Mețianu” Primary schoo...


AVU Freshmen Prom


„Aurel Vlaicu” University`s freshman prom will take place on Thursday, the 8th of December 2022, starting at 19.00h in the „Ioan Slavici” Theatre building. „It is a traditional event for our student ...


Student communication session hosted by AVU`s Faculty of Food Engineering, Tourism and Environmental Protection


The 20th edition of the AVU hosted communication session was attended by students from the University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest; “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of I...


Simpozionul științific studențesc- „Economia - prezent și viitor” la UAV


Facultatea de Științe Economice din cadrul Universității ”Aurel Vlaicu” din Arad a organizat la finele lunii noiembrie 2022, cea de-a 23-a ediție a Simpozionului Științific Studențesc ”Economia - Prez...


PhD symposium hosted by AVU


An event organised by AVU`s Faculty of Humanities and Social Studies and AVU`s Doctoral School brought together PhD (Humanities) students from the West University of Timisoara, 1 Decembrie 1918 Univer...


„Improving employment chances in the Post-Covid Society”


„Improving employment chances in the Post-Covid Society” Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad`s Faculty of Educational Sciences, Psychology and Social Work comes to the aid studentss by trying to faci...


Festivity for the conferring of Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad`s Doctor Honoris Causa title


Friday 18th of November 2022, starting at 11.00 in the Senate Hall (Rector`s Office building), prof, PhD, habil. Contanta Popescu from Valahia University (Tirgoviste) will be awarded the high academi...


Student Job fair


AVU students are welcomed to attend (Thursday, the 10th of September, 9.00) the student job fair. Over 30 companies will present their job offers for the university`s students. Starting at 10.00 in...


AVU Information session for foreign students


„Aurel Vlaicu” University of Arad hosted an information session for the university`s foreign students in cooperation with the Arad County Immigration Service and the Territorial Labor Inspectorate. ...


Choral music concert in the Cultural Palace


AVU invites you to attend the “Aduceți-vă aminte de mai marii voștri și cinstiți-le memoria” concert on the 7th of November, 18.00 hours. Several choirs will take the stage, amongst which: „Atanasie L...


AVU to host the 4th edition of “Public safety and the need for increased social capital“ international conference


Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad is one of the institutional partners for the 4th edition of the “Public safety and the need for increased social capital” international conference, which will take pla...


Ramona Lile: „UAV este în top 10 la atragerea fondurilor pentru proiecte de mobilitate Erasmus+”


Universitatea „Aurel Vlaicu” din Arad a reușit să se claseze anul acesta pe locul 8, din cele 44 de universități din România care au solicitat fonduri în cadrul Programului Erasmus+ pentru mobilităț...


Facultatea de Design din cadrul UAV lansează provocarea bostanilor!


Studenții UAVsunt invitați să participe la concursul „Fețelor haioase și-un pic hidoase, de bostani” ce va avea loc la sediul facultății din Grădiște, Calea Zimandului, nr.8 . Expoziția va putea fi a...


A new selection session for Erasmus mobility programmes!


The 24th of October marks the beginning of a new selection campaign for Erasmus + study mobilities! If you`d like to take part in an Erasmus programme during the second semester of this academic year...


AVU to host ARS Theologica Days


During the 28th of October - 2nd November AVU`s Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities will host the first edition of the Ars Theologica Days Conference with the aid of the organizing Ars Theologic...


"Aurel Vlaicu " University of Arad – meeting place for European projects


Teams from three European projects met last week in Arad, in an AVU hosted week-long event. Professional from 5 countries (Finland, Estonia, Spain, Greece and Italy) have taken part in training activi...


Comunicat de presa


The Global CyberSecurity Summit 2022 international conference, hosted this past weekend in Arad, was an event organized by the EU-LEX Association in partnership with “Aurel Vlaicu” University of Arad ...
