"The Little Prince" in AVU students` artistic vision


The exhibition "Please... draw me a sheep!" will lasts for one night only, between 13th and 14th May, and is part of the national event " The Long Night of Museums ". The 3D works (sculptures), graph...


Judo Championship Medals for AVU Students


They took part in the National University Judo Championship and won the bronze medal. Bianca Prodan, a second-year undergraduate student, and Gheorghe Mraz, a second-year master's student enrolled in...


Europe Day at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences


The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences hosted the third edition of the European Day Competition - although this time it was dedicated to students. Eight teams registered for the competition an...


Pickleball and tennis at AVU


Practical pickleball and tennis demonstrations will take place in AVU`s sports hall, (May 10 and 11, starting at 10:00 a.m) in an event organized by the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport. Speci...


Ramona Lile "Important steps for dual education in Arad"


Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad has created an opportunity for the development of the Regional Consortium for Dual Education ARAD through the project Involvement in Technological Innovation Needs an...


MuzDid, an AVU organized national student competition


Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad hosted the first edition of the MuzDid National Student Competition that took place in Arad from May 3-4, 2023. The competition involved 60 contestants from 14 undergr...


Ramona Lile: "An AVU team represented Arad at the Invention Fair"


Gold, silver, and bronze medals for Arad`s team at the Invention Fair - all representatives or graduates of Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad. "AVU`s presence at the Invention Fair is a success for our...


AVU to hosts the National Under 19 Table Tennis Championship


The National Under 19 Table Tennis Championship will take place from May 3 to May 7 in AVU`s "Mihai Botez" sports hall (located in Complex M, Elena Drăgoi street no.2). The best players in the country...


Awards for AVU students at the 2nd edition of the National Student Music Management and Entrepreneurship S-M-Art Competition


Students from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad, under the guidance of Prof. Univ. Dr. Habil. Veronica Laura DEMENESCU, participated and won important pr...


O zi „verde” la UAV


O zi „verde” la UAVA fost o zi specială pentru cei mai mici „studenți” ai Universității „Aurel Vlaicu” din Arad: elevii de la Școala „Episcop Ioan Mețianu”. Au învățat în laboratoarele Institutului...


AVU Design Students at DADA on TRIPP


AVU`s Faculty of Design students attended the Beauty-Art event, which marked 100 years since the end of the Dadaist movement. The event was organized at the Center for Urban Culture in Cluj-Napoca by ...


Curs pentru dezvoltarea competențelor antreprenoriale, financiare și juridice


Un nou curs destinat studenților UAV care sunt în ultimul an de studiu la licență, în cadrul proiectului „Învaţă să fii Antreprenor pentru Viitor! Îmbunătăţirea calităţii ofertelor educative şi a comp...


Want to work for the Foreign Intelligence Agency?


Come on May 3rd at 12:00 pm to the conference room situated on the first floor of Complex M. You will find out what career opportunities are available for AVU students and what you need to do to appl...


Ramona Lile "Leoni Wiring Systems, a reliable AVU partner"


Leoni Wiring Systems is a trusted AVU partner with many joint projects and a new achievement that will benefit the university`s Faculty of Engineering: a multidisciplinary laboratory for unconventiona...


Open doors day at the "Episcop Ioan Metianu" School


On Thursday, April 6th, one of the newest schools in Arad, "Aurel Vlaicu" University of Arad`s “Episcop Ioan Metianu" School, will open its doors for those who want to enrol their child in the infant ...


Cadrele didactice ale UAV se pot specializa în proiectarea unui curs online


Cadrele didactice ale UAV se pot înscrie la cursul „Organizarea și proiectarea unui curs online” derulat în cadrul proiectului „Învaţă să fii Antreprenor pentru Viitor! Îmbunătăţirea calităţii ofertel...


Ramona Lile „AVU has won 7 FDI 2023 projects”


"Aurel Vlaicu" University of Arad has won 7 projects worth over 1.25 million lei in the competition funded by the Institutional Development Fund. The projects` evaluation and selection process was coo...


Theological book event


An exceptional theological book launch event will take place at the Arad County Council on March 30th, 2023. The event includes two book launches: "The Priest Professor Teodor Botiș (1873-1940) - A Li...


Aplică online pentru o mobilitate de studiu Erasmus!


Universitatea Aurel Vlaicu din Arad începe selecția viitorilor studenți Erasmus. Dacă vrei ca în anul universitar 2023-2024 să studiezi la o universitate din străinătate, să vezi cum e viața de studen...


AVU Open Doors Day


"Aurel Vlaicu" University of Arad invites you Thursday, March 23, to the "Open Doors Day" event, organized in Complex M, starting at 9:30 am. High school students are invited to learn about the speci...
