31 de absolvenți ai cursului „Strategii inovative de învățare în dezvoltarea competențelor antreprenoriale”


Au absolvit cu succes cursul „Strategii inovative de învățare în dezvoltarea competențelor antreprenoriale”, un programul de perfecționare postuniversitar derulat în cadrul proiectului „Învaţă să fii ...


„Aurel Vlaicu” University closer to you!


This summer you can lodge your application for Aurel Vlaicu University right in your hometown. Mobile enrolment centers in Arad County as well as Timisoara, Deva and Caransebes are ready to receive th...


Ramona Lile „The first university application session starts on July the 1st”


Arad`s public university is getting ready for the first application session. As before, the enrolment centre will be located in the Radu Homescu Building, Bdul Revolutiei no. 72 (The ex- National Bank...


Cursuri de perfecționare pentru cadrele didactice ale UAV


„Strategii inovative de învățare în dezvoltarea competențelor antreprenoriale” este un program de perfecționare postuniversitar propus cadrelor didactice din Universitatea „Aurel Vlaicu” din Arad pent...


Ramona Lile „ Ghioroc Summer Fest is on!”


The grand opening of the XIth edition of the popular Ghioroc Summer Fest will take place on Sunday, the 26th June, starting 4 pm. A memorable event readied down to the last details by its organizers: ...


Elevii arădeni au participat la Ziua Porților Deschise în cadrul proiectului EDUBUSINESS al UAV


Au aflat drumul către antreprenoriat Elevii arădeni au participat la Ziua Porților Deschise în cadrul proiectului EDUBUSINESS al UAV Aproape 200 de elevi au fost prezenți, la Ziua Porților Deschise,...


Elevii sunt așteptați la Ziua Porților deschise organizată la UAV


Universitatea „Aurel Vlaicu” din Arad organizează Ziua Porților Deschise în cadrul proiectului „Învață să fii Antreprenor pentru Viitor! Îmbunătățirea calității ofertelor educative și a competențelor ...


Do you like table tennis? Join AVU`s tournament.


Come join other sport lovers in the Webasto-AVU table tennis Cup. It`s an open amateur competition hosted in AVU`s Sports Hall between 4-5 of May, starting 4 p.m. Who can join? Current or former AV...


Apply online for an ERASMUS study mobility programme!


If you want to spend your next semester studying in a foreign university, to experience student life abroad, to travel and make new friends, apply for an Erasmus programme here: https://erasmus.uav.ro...


Business Exchange


LSUAV Arad will host a most stimulating project between the 4th-10th of April involving exchanges of experience across 4 cities. Business Exchange starts in Arad and carries on with 3 other studen...


AVU ranked 23 out of 93 universities


The National Metaranking of universities for 2021 has been made officially available. The Romanian higher education system operates 93 institutions of higher education, out of which 53 are public an...


Ramona Lile „Bishop Ioan Mețianu school a dream come true”


A new school opens its doors in Arad under the aegis of AVU and Arad Archdiocese. The bicentennial of local theology is celebrated by the opening of “Bishop Ioan Mețianu” School, established in Arad b...


Ramona Lile „ Proiectele Erasmus, o oportunitate pentru UAV”


Cinci țări sunt implicate în proiectul „Green Thinking Entrepreneur Youth”, un parteneriat strategic în cadrul Programului Erasmus+ care se desfășoară în acest zile la Universitatea „Aurel Vlaicu” d...


UAV Arad, partener în proiectul RoCult Vest


Societatea Internațională de Studii Muzicale, în parteneriat cu Academia Română – Filiala Timișoara și Universitatea „Aurel Vlaicu” din Arad, organizează în perioada 15-31 ianuarie 2022 proiectul RoCu...


AVU students and teaching staff members donate blood


Responding to the call of the local Transfusion Centre, AVU students, teaching and administrative staff members have donated blood: “We would like to help those in difficulty. We know that the medical...


An increasing number of AVU students opt for Chinese language courses


Over 100 AVU students have opted for free Chinese language and culture classes. The number is double compared to last academic year and could grow still since students have a few more days at their di...


AVU`s Students` League recruits!


We are eager to meet and greet our freshmen as well as to share stories about being students, about our faculties and the LSAUAV family! The coming few days you`ll find us at LSUAV stands located nea...


AVU opened the 2021-2022 Academic Year


The Banks` Palace, one of AVU`s most beautiful buildings and an emblematic local landmark, hosted, a double event organized by the local public university on Monday, the 4th of October. The opening ...


Ramona Lile „We are content with our university`s evolution”


„Aurel Vlaicu” University of Arad ranked first in the European Commission`s U-Multirank 2021, where AVU registered the first place for most maximum points gathered category. AVU has registered 11 A ...
