Free Preparatory Courses for Admission to "Aurel Vlaicu" University of Arad
7/16/2024Free Preparatory Courses for Candidates to Admission Programs with Practical Exams at "Aurel Vlaicu" University of Arad
The Faculty of Design, the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, and the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences are offering free preparatory courses for candidates applying to study programs that include practical exams for admission.
- Faculty of Design: Preparations for creating the portfolio required for admission are held daily at the faculty's headquarters at Calea Zimandului no. 8, between 9:30 AM and 4:30 PM. For more details, contact: +40 742 041 568.
- Faculty of Physical Education and Sport: Preparatory courses for the practical "applied route" exam, required for candidates applying to the Physical Education and Sports program, will take place on July 18, 19, and 23. Training sessions are held between 11:00 AM and 1:00 PM at the Mihai Botez Sports Hall of the University, located at Elena Drăgoi Street, no. 2-4, Micălaca.
- Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences: Candidates applying to the Music and Musical Performance (Voice) programs can register for preparatory courses by calling +40 762 190 365.
Please note that the score obtained in these practical exams is included in the admission average, according to each faculty's methodology. For more details, consult the admission guide on https://admitere.uav.ro/informatii-admitere.
All practical exams will take place on July 24.