Deschiderea Noului An Universitar UAV V6

Ramona Lile: 'AVU has won one of the 3 national projects for promoting Brain Awareness Week'


"Aurel Vlaicu" University of Arad is one of the three domestic winners of an international project funded by the Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS), with support from the Dana Foundation.

"My Amazing Brain" project has been declared the winner and will be implemented institutionally in March with participation from the following faculties: Economic Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences, Education Sciences, Psychology and Social Work as well as the Faculty of Design.

"By way of this project, our university will be included in the celebration of a worldwide event with a European as well as global scientific impact. I t will afford a space for dialogue and ideas exchange in which professionals from various fields, such as psychology, philosophy, biology, neuroscience, education, medicine, economics, fine arts, music, communication, law, and philology, will try to shed more visibility on science," emphasized AVU Rector Ramona Lile.

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