Ramona Lile "Important steps for dual education in Arad"
5/5/2023Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad has created an opportunity for the development of the Regional Consortium for Dual Education ARAD through the project Involvement in Technological Innovation Needs and Initiatives regarding Employability of Young People Included in the Dual Educational Vision, I.N.I.T.I.A.T.I.V.E.d., a project submitted under the pilot programme for the development of regional consortia for dual education, with PNNR funds.
The consortium is formed by VAU in partnership with the Polytechnic University of Timișoara, the Municipality of Arad, the Arad County School Inspectorate, "Aurel Vlaicu" Technical High School Arad, Arad Technical High School for Constructions and Environmental Protection, Economic College Arad, "Henri Coandă” Technological High School of Auto Transport Arad, "Caius Iacob” School of Electronics and Automation Technology Arad as well as regional economic operators.
"We want to build a strong university centre in Arad with an educational offer that will attract young people from across the region and the country. This project, through the construction of a university campus, will strengthen the connection between the educational, economic, and social environments and will certainly contribute towards the development of a professional training framework for young people in the region," declared AVU Rector, Ramona Lile.