Ramona Lile: „Three new research projects won by AVU”
7/20/2020Three projects submitted with The Executive Unit for Financing Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation (UEFISCDI); three projects won by AVU researchers in three different areas of research. The winning projects are: Lecturer Ph.D. Vlad Drăgoi (Informatics) “Metode algebrice pentru evaluarea securității criptosistemelor post-cuantice bazate pe teoria codurilor corectoare de erori” in total amount of 246.569 RON, Ph.D. Andreea Lupitu (Earth Sciences) - mentor: Prof. Ph.D. Lucian Copolovici - „Influenţa factorilor abiotici asupra caracteristicilor fiziologice şi a metaboliţilor secundari din plante aromatice”, in total amount of 246.950 RON and Ph.D. Cristian Moisa (Applied life sciences and biotechnologies) - mentor: Prof. Ph.D. Dana Copolovici - “Nanoparticule din deșeuri naturale cu potențiale aplicații medicale” in total amount of 246.569 RON. “It is a real success for the research conducted within Aurel Vlaicu University of ARAD. Research constitutes a real priority for our university and it is contenting when our colleagues’ efforts are rewarded. I congratulate the project teams and wish them success in obtaining the expected outcomes” declared Prof. Ph.D. Ramona LILE, AVU`s Rector.