Ramona Lile: “AVU has won a project worth over 30 million euros for Arad"
7/8/2023The final results of the project competition submitted under the call Pilot Program for the Development of Regional Consortia for Dual Education, confirmed that the project submitted by Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad is on the list of projects that will receive funding under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR).
At the end of the project, Arad will have a dual education Integrated Professional Campus, which will be built on parcel provided by the Arad City Hall between Str. Câmpul Liniștii and Calea 6 Vânători.
"This is the biggest project that UAV has won as a project leader. It is a significant achievement for Arad as well as for the regional dual education. It was a collective effort of all partners who formed the Regional Consortium for Dual Education and without which we would not have succeeded. We would like to thank Arad City Hall and to the other partners for their involvement and support: the Polytechnic University of Timisoara, Arad County School Inspectorate, "Aurel Vlaicu" Technological High School Arad, Technological High School of Constructions and Environmental Protection Arad, Economic College Arad, "Henri Coanda" Technological High School of Auto Transport Arad, "Caius Iacob" Technological High School of Electronics and Automation Arad, S.C. Leoni Wiring Systems Arad S.R.L., S.C. Hella Romania S.R.L. - Arad Work Point, and Joyson Safety Systems Arad S.R.L.", stated AVU Rector, Ramona Lile.
The project "Implicare în Nevoia de Inovare Tehnologică și Inițiative privind Angajabilitatea Tinerilor Incluși în Viziunea Educațională duală, I.N.I.T.I.A.T.I.V.E." will conclude in 2026 and has a total funding of over 150 million RON.