Ramona Lile “AVU will host county and regional mobile enrolment centers”
7/2/2020„Aurel Vlaicu” University of Arad will commence the first round of admissions on Monday, the 6thof July. The main enrolment center is located in the new AVU building situated on Bd. Revoluției no.72 and will operate daily according to the following schedule: from Monday to Friday between 9-17 and on Saturdays and Sundays between 9 - 13. The Faculty of Theology will manage its own enrollment center which is located within the faculty`s building on street Academia Teologică, no. 11-13.
Also, in order to aid prospective students from around the county and region, AVU will operate mobile enrolment centers across three days (9, 16 and 23rd of July) in 9 different locations. These locations are: Lipova, between 9.00-16.00, Micle Ioan Law Office, str. Brancovici, No. 10B; Curtici Town Hall, between 9.00-16.00, str. Primăriei, No. 47; Chișineu Criș Town Hall, between 9.00-16.00, str. Înfrățirii, Nr. 97; Pecica Town Hall, between 9.00-16.00, Str. 2, No. 150; Ineu, "Mihai Viteazul" College, Calea Traian, No. 7 between 09.00-12.30; Beliu Town Hall, no.632, between 13.00-16.00; in Timișoara, (Timișoara Art Incubator: Piața Victoriei, str. Dr. Nicolae Paulescu, No. 3, between 09.00-16.00; in Deva - "Grigore Moisil" High School: Str. Titu Maiorescu, No. 24, between 09.00-16.00 and Caransebeș, Caransebeș Archdiocese: Strada Episcopiei 11, between 09.00-16.00.
“We have decided to come to the aid of prospective students from the western part of the country, to help those who have taken into consideration our academic offer. We would like to express our gratitude towards all local authorities as well as our partners for helping us achieve this. Also, we would like to urge high school graduates to use the online application system on www.uav.ro” declared AVU`s Rector, Prof. PhD. Ramona Lile.